Portraits of Jesus in the Gospel of John
Portraits of Jesus in the Gospel of John

Portraits of Jesus in the Gospel of John

in Library of New Testament Studies

by Craig R. Koester, Marianne Meye Thompson, James G. Crossley, Graham H. Twelftree, Tom Thatcher, Bruce D. Chilton, Chris Keith, Richard A. Horsley, Matthew Novenson, Benjamin E. Reynolds, Alicia Myers, and Jens Schröter

Pages 224
Publisher T&T Clark
Published 10/18/2018
ISBN-13 9780567675125
John's Gospel is best-known for its presentation of Jesus as the Word of God made flesh. Yet as the narrative unfolds, readers discover that the Gospel includes multiple portraits of Jesus, not just one. In this volume each of these roles is discussed in detail as well as the traditions from other early Christian sources that the Fourth Gospel draws on in creating its varied and varying portraits of Jesus.

Considering each aspect of Jesus' identity in its own right invites us to consider how the Gospel not only transforms but preserves early traditions about Jesus. The multiple contributions in this collection examine the different ways in which Jesus is represented, from 'Jesus as a Human Being', by Marianne Thompson to 'Jesus the Prophet', by Richard Horsley. This examination of John's Gospel takes us more deeply into questions about the way traditions about Jesus were used in the early church and how the Fourth Gospel might contribute to our understanding of that dynamic process.

  • Table of contents
  • Preface
  • List of Abbreviations
  • Ch. 1. Multiple Portraits of Jesus in the Fourth Gospel - Craig Koester, Luther Seminary, USA
  • Ch. 2. Jesus the Human Being - Marianne Thompson, Fuller Theological Seminary, USA
  • Ch. 3. Jesus the Jew - James Crossley, St Mary's University, UK
  • Ch. 4. Jesus the Healer - Graham Twelftree, London School of Theology, UK
  • Ch. 5. Jesus the Controversialist - Tom Thatcher, Cincinnati Christian University, USA
  • Ch. 6. Jesus the Rabbi - Bruce Chilton, Bard College, USA
  • Ch. 7. Jesus the Galilean - Chris Keith, St Mary's University, UK
  • Ch. 8. Jesus the Prophet - Richard A. Horsley, University of Massachusetts, USA
  • Ch. 9. Jesus the Messiah - Matthew Novenson, University of Edinburgh, UK
  • Ch. 10. Jesus the Apocalyptic Son of Man - Ben Reynolds, Tyndale University College, Canada
  • Ch. 11. Jesus the Son of God - Alicia Myers, Campbell University Divinity School, USA
  • Ch. 12. The Johannine Portrayal of Jesus and Questions of History - Jens Schroeter, Humboldt Unviersity, Germany
  • Index

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