in Two Horizons Old Testament Commentary
The book of Habakkuk has much to teach us about suffering and complaint, faith and fear, and the fidelity of God in times of trouble; it generates reflection on prayer, peace, violence, and faithfulness. In this volume—one of the few commentaries examining Habakkuk by itself—Heath Thomas explores this overlooked Old Testament prophet in order to hear God’s address for us today.
Utilizing traditional biblical scholarship, Thomas draws from the well of Christian and Jewish interpretation through the centuries. The first part of his commentary is a theological exegesis that engages with both systematic and biblical theology. The second part reflects on the text from a theological perspective, looking for main themes and connections to the rest of the biblical canon.
Utilizing traditional biblical scholarship, Thomas draws from the well of Christian and Jewish interpretation through the centuries. The first part of his commentary is a theological exegesis that engages with both systematic and biblical theology. The second part reflects on the text from a theological perspective, looking for main themes and connections to the rest of the biblical canon.
This book appears in the following featured collections.
- TGC: Preaching Commentaries by The Gospel Coalition
Thomas’s excellent commentary provides a historical survey of the interpretation of Habakkuk. And the second half of the book distinctively integrates the theology of Habakkuk with Christian living and spiritual formation, combining good scholarship with application.
[Full Review]
Given that Habakkuk is such a distinctive treasure with a significant contribution to biblical theology, it’s delightful when commentary series devote a full volume to this worthy book.
Heath Thomas is working hard in this commentary to reverse some of the unfounded hostility towards Habakkuk in the broader church tradition. Alongside a solid engagement with textual and critical issues, Thomas aims to provide a theological interpretation of the text in light of the belief that the Scriptures disclose Christ. This is interpretation in the fullest sense – the way it should be – which spans the historical context, the literary shape and the hearts and minds of readers today.
This is an exciting resources to help students and Bible teachers engage with the book of Habakkuk as Scripture. I do hope more people will be emboldened to schedule teaching series in their churches.
[Full Review]
This is an excellent commentary. My only complaint is that the comments on Hab. 3 are a little thin. The main strength is the way Thomas discusses and responds to the reception history of Habakkuk. Thomas demonstrates an historical awareness that is not always present in the THOT series.
Thoughtful and informed treatment of Habakkuk. This is really helpful for pastors, theological students and scholars.
Thomas captures well the vision and goal of the series, presenting an exposition of the text which is a reliable semi-technical/pastoral commentary, and then presenting a theological reading which explores themes and contextual application of the text. Great resource for preaching.