The Book of Jeremiah
The Book of Jeremiah

The Book of Jeremiah

in The Bible in Medieval Tradition

by Joy A. Schroeder

Rank Score: 4.14 from 0 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 2 user libraries
Pages 333
Publisher Eerdmans
Published 7/31/2017
ISBN-13 9780802873293
Retrieves rich historical biblical insights for readers of Jeremiah today.

In this volume, part of the Bible in Medieval Tradition series, Joy Schroeder provides substantial excerpts from seven noteworthy biblical interpreters who commented on Jeremiah between the ninth and fifteenth centuries.

Following a survey of early and medieval Christian authors and their interpretive approaches, Schroeder offers original translations from medieval commentators writing on twenty-four chapters of Jeremiah, including all chapters present in major western lectionaries. In addition to her clear, readable renderings of texts from authors including Thomas Aquinas, Nicholas of Lyra, and Denis the Carthusian, Schroeder provides an introduction to each author represented, locating him within his historical and theological context. The well-chosen selections in this masterful volume illustrate the rich diversity of medieval approaches to biblical interpretation and offer an intriguing glimpse into the worldview of medieval commentators.


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