Esther and Her Elusive God: How a Secular Story Functions as Scripture
Esther and Her Elusive God: How a Secular Story Functions as Scripture

Esther and Her Elusive God: How a Secular Story Functions as Scripture

by John Anthony Dunne

Pages 270
Publisher Wipf & Stock
Published 2/12/2014
ISBN-13 9781620327845
What if the way the book of Esther has been taught to us in church and retold to us in films, cartoons, and romance novels has missed the original point of the story? Far from being models of piety and devotion, Esther and Mordecai seem indifferent to the faith of their ancestors. How then did this story become part of the Bible and gain the broad acceptance that it has? If the church should not neglect the story, how should it be read? Esther and Her Elusive God calls Christians to avoid the common attempts to make Esther more palatable and theological, and to reclaim this secular story as Scripture. Readers will be encouraged to see in Esther a profound message of God's grace and faithfulness to his wayward people.


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