Studia Biblica 1978. II Papers on the Gospels
in Library of New Testament Studies
T&T Clark
Sixth International Congress on Biblical Studies, Oxford, 3-7 April 1978.
- Contents:
- Gehenna-According to J. Jeremias - W. J. P. Boyd
- The Greek manuscripts connected by their Lection Systems with the Palestinian Syriac Gospel Lectionaries - Y. Burns
- Not to taste death: a Jewish, Christian and Gnostic Usage - Bruce D. Chilton
- The Messianic Secret and Jesus' Enemies - John Coutts
- The Tassel of his Cloak: Mark, Luke, Matthew-and Zechariah - J. T. Cummings
- Legend and Event: The Gerasene Demoniac: An Inquest into History and Liturgical Projection - J. Duncan Derrett
- The Human Integrity of St John's Jesus - John de Satge
- Matthew and the Divinity of Jesus: Three questions concerning Matthew 1.20-23 - J. C. Fenton
- The Massacre of the Innocents-Fact or Fiction? - R. T. France
- Jesus and Sectarian Judaism - Jack Freeborn
- Jesus and the Exilic Soteriology - Paul Garnet
- St Mark's Attitude to the Relationship between History and the Gospel - M. E. Glasswell
- Meditations in Matthew - J. Marsh
- New Quest-Dead End? So what about the historical Jesus? - James I. McDonald
- Mk 9.33-50. Catechetics in Mark's Gospel - James I. McDonald
- Paradisial Elements in Jesus' Teaching - David L. Mealand
- From Cana to Cana (Jn 2.1-4.54) and the Fourth Evangelist's Concept of Correct (and Incorrect) Faith - Francis J. Moloney
- The Beloved Disciple Again - M. B. Moreton
- The Cross and the Revelation of Jesus as ego eimi in the Fourth Gospel (Jn 8.28) - J. Morgan-Wynne
- Limits to the Understanding of John in Christian Theology - Joseph Stephen O'Leary
- Vincent Taylor and the Messianic Secret in Mark's Gospel - Brian G. Powley
- Lessing as Editor of Reimarus' Apologie - J. K. Riches
- The Meaning and Significance of the Seventh Hour in John 4.52 - B. P. Robinson
- The Canaanite Woman and the Gospels (Mt 15.21-28; cf. Mk 7.24-30) - E. A. Russell
- Matthew 25.1-13. A Summary of Matthaean Eschatology? - J. M. Sherriff
- Satan in the Fourth Gospel - Wendy E. Sproston
- The Alleged Eyewitness Material in the Fourth Gospel - R. L. Sturch
- Mk 11.25 and the Gospel of Matthew - Charles A. Wanamaker
- Cultic Elements in the Fourth Gospel - J. T. Williams
Inner Books
This physical volume has several internal sections, each of which has been reviewed independently
- Gehenna-According to J. Jeremias by W. J. P. Boyd
- The Greek manuscripts connected by their Lection Systems with the Palestinian Syriac Gospel Lectionaries by Y. Burns
- Not to taste death: a Jewish, Christian and Gnostic Usage by Bruce D. Chilton
- The Messianic Secret and Jesus' Enemies by John Coutts
- The Tassel of his Cloak: Mark, Luke, Matthew-and Zechariah by J. T. Cummings
- Legend and Event: The Gerasene Demoniac: An Inquest into History and Liturgical Projection by J. Duncan Derrett
- The Human Integrity of St John's Jesus by John de Satge
- Matthew and the Divinity of Jesus: Three questions concerning Matthew 1.20-23 by John C. Fenton
- The Massacre of the Innocents-Fact or Fiction? by R. T. France
- Jesus and Sectarian Judaism by Jack Freeborn
- Jesus and the Exilic Soteriology by Paul Garnet
- St Mark's Attitude to the Relationship between History and the Gospel by M. E. Glasswell
- Meditations in Matthew by John Marsh
- New Quest-Dead End? So what about the historical Jesus? by James I. H. McDonald
- Mk 9.33-50. Catechetics in Mark's Gospel by James I. H. McDonald
- Paradisial Elements in Jesus' Teaching by David L. Mealand
- From Cana to Cana (Jn 2.1-4.54) and the Fourth Evangelist's Concept of Correct (and Incorrect) Faith by Francis J. Moloney
- The Beloved Disciple Again by M. B. Moreton
- The Cross and the Revelation of Jesus as ego eimi in the Fourth Gospel (Jn 8.28) by J. Morgan-Wynne
- Limits to the Understanding of John in Christian Theology by Joseph Stephen O'Leary
- Vincent Taylor and the Messianic Secret in Mark's Gospel by Brian G. Powley
- Lessing as Editor of Reimarus' Apologie by John K. Riches
- The Meaning and Significance of the Seventh Hour in John 4.52 by B. P. Robinson
- The Canaanite Woman and the Gospels (Mt 15.21-28; cf. Mk 7.24-30) by E. A. Russell
- Matthew 25.1-13. A Summary of Matthaean Eschatology? by J. M. Sherriff
- Satan in the Fourth Gospel by Wendy E. Sproston
- The Alleged Eyewitness Material in the Fourth Gospel by Richard L. Sturch
- Mk 11.25 and the Gospel of Matthew by Charles A. Wanamaker
- Cultic Elements in the Fourth Gospel by J. T. Williams