The Exodus Story in the Wisdom of Solomon A Study in Biblical Interpretation By : 	 Published:
The Exodus Story in the Wisdom of Solomon A Study in Biblical Interpretation By : 	 Published:

The Exodus Story in the Wisdom of Solomon A Study in Biblical Interpretation By : Published:

in Library of Second Temple Studies

by Samuel Cheon

Pages 176
Publisher T&T Clark
Published 7/1/1997
ISBN-13 9781850756705
This exemplary study presents the hermeneutical principles and theological tendencies of Pseudo-Solomon's biblical interpretation of the Exodus story in the Wisdom of Solomon. Why and how did the author interpret the Exodus story? What is the socio-historical function of his interpretation? Through a comparison with corresponding biblical and extra-biblical texts, the text's dominant interpretative technique is seen to be the reshaping of the biblical story, as the author freely handles the biblical material, ignoring the literary intention or flow of the biblical accounts. Cheon argues that this interpretation was intended to provide hope and consolation for the Alexandrian Jewish community soon after a severe persecution during the reign of Gaius Caligula (37-41 CE).


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