The New Christian Zionism: Fresh Perspectives on Israel and the Land
IVP Academic
Can a theological case be made from Scripture that Israel still has a claim to the Promised Land?
Written with academic rigor by experts in the field, this book proposes that Zionism can be defended historically, theologically, politically and morally. While this does not sanctify every policy and practice of the current Israeli government, the authors include recommendations for how twenty-first-century Christian theology should rethink its understanding of both ancient and contemporary Israel, the Bible and Christian theology more broadly.
This provocative volume proposes a place for Christian Zionism in an integrated biblical vision.
- Contents
- Acknowledgments
- Introduction: What Is the New Christian Zionism? (Gerald McDermott)
- Part I: Theology and History
- 1. A History of Supersessionism: Getting the Big Story Wrong (Gerald McDermott)
- 2. A History of Christian Zionism: Is Christian Zionism Rooted Primarily in Premillennial Dispensationalism? (Gerald McDermott)
- Part II: Theology and the Bible
- 3. Biblical Hermeneutics: How Are We to Interpret the Relation Between Tanak and the New Testament on This Question? (Craig Blaising)
- 4. Zionism in the Gospel of Matthew: Do the People of Israel and the Land of Israel Persist as Abiding Concerns for Matthew? (Joel Willitts)
- 5. Zionism in Luke-Acts: Do the People of Israel and the Land of Israel Persist as Abiding Concerns in Luke?s Two Volumes? (Mark Kinzer)
- 6. Zionism in Pauline Literature: Does Paul Eliminate Particularity for Israel and the Land in His Portrayal of Salvation Available for All the World? (David Rudolph)
- Part III: Theology and Its Implications
- 7. Theology and the Churches: Mainline Protestant Zionism and Anti-Zionism (Mark Tooley)
- 8. Theology and Politics: Reinhold Niebuhr?s Christian Zionism (Robert Benne)
- 9. Theology and Law: Does the Modern State of Israel Violate Its Call to Justice in the Covenant by Its Relation to International Law? (Robert Nicholson)
- 10. Theology and Morality: Is Modern Israel Faithful to the Moral Demands of the Covenant in Its Treatment of Minorities? (Shadi Khalloul)
- Part IV: Theology and the Future
- 11. How Should the New Christian Zionism Proceed? (Darrell Bock)
- 12. Implications and Propositions (Gerald McDermott)
- List of Contributors
- Name Index
- Subject Index
- Scripture and Ancient Writings Index
Written with academic rigor by experts in the field, this book proposes that Zionism can be defended historically, theologically, politically and morally. While this does not sanctify every policy and practice of the current Israeli government, the authors include recommendations for how twenty-first-century Christian theology should rethink its understanding of both ancient and contemporary Israel, the Bible and Christian theology more broadly.
This provocative volume proposes a place for Christian Zionism in an integrated biblical vision.
Inner Books
This physical volume has several internal sections, each of which has been reviewed independently
- Introduction: What Is the New Christian Zionism? by Gerald R. McDermott
- A History of Supersessionism: Getting the Big Story Wrong by Gerald R. McDermott
- A History of Christian Zionism: Is Christian Zionism Rooted Primarily in Premillennial Dispensationalism? by Gerald R. McDermott
- Biblical Hermeneutics: How Are We to Interpret the Relation Between Tanak and the New Testament on This Question? by Craig A. Blaising
- Zionism in the Gospel of Matthew: Do the People of Israel and the Land of Israel Persist as Abiding Concerns for Matthew? by Joel Willitts
- Zionism in Luke-Acts: Do the People of Israel and the Land of Israel Persist as Abiding Concerns in Luke?s Two Volumes? by Mark S. Kinzer
- Zionism in Pauline Literature: Does Paul Eliminate Particularity for Israel and the Land in His Portrayal of Salvation Available for All the World? by David J. Rudolph
- Theology and the Churches: Mainline Protestant Zionism and Anti-Zionism by Mark Tooley
- Theology and Politics: Reinhold Niebuhr?s Christian Zionism by Robert Benne
- Theology and Law: Does the Modern State of Israel Violate Its Call to Justice in the Covenant by Its Relation to International Law? by Robert Nicholson
- Theology and Morality: Is Modern Israel Faithful to the Moral Demands of the Covenant in Its Treatment of Minorities? by Shadi Khalloul
- How Should the New Christian Zionism Proceed? by Darrell L. Bock
- Implications and Propositions by Gerald R. McDermott