Building a Firm Foundation
Building a Firm Foundation

Building a Firm Foundation

by Rick Brannan

Pages 82
Publisher Appian Way Press
Published 8/16/2016
ISBN-13 9781536890150
The organization of The Apostles’ Creed is based on the concept of the Trinity. Thus, the creed has three main sections: the Father (in Deum Patrem), the Son (in Jesum Christum), the Holy Spirit (in Spiritum Sanctum). The bulk of the creed is taken up in the middle section, dealing with the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The bulk of the lessons are questions with answers given. Most questions have Scripture references and some make direct reference to the Heidelberg Catechism. For discussion in a group setting, the intent is to read the question and examine the references. Then the group can begin to answer the question, with the leader using the “Answer” material to spur or facilitate discussion as necessary. In this way the material can be worked through much like a catechism would be.


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