The Eerdmans Dictionary of Early Judaism
 The Eerdmans Dictionary of Early Judaism

The Eerdmans Dictionary of Early Judaism

by eds. Collins, John J.; Harlow, Daniel C.

Rank Score: 4.02 from 0 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 1 user libraries
Pages 1296
Publisher Eerdmans
Published 12/1/2010
ISBN-13 9780802825490
The Dictionary of Early Judaism is the first reference work devoted exclusively to Second Temple Judaism (fourth century b.c.e. through second century c.e.). The first section of this substantive and incredible work contains thirteen major essays that attempt to synthesize major aspects of Judaism in the period between Alexander and Hadrian. The second and significantly longer section offers 520 entries arranged alphabetically. Many of these entries have cross-references and all have select bibliographies. Equal attention is given to literary and nonliterary (i.e. archaeological and epigraphic) evidence and New Testament writings are included as evidence for Judaism in the first century c.e. Several entries also give pertinent information on the Hebrew Bible. The Dictionary of Early Judaism is intended to not only meet the needs of scholars and students at which it succeeds admirably but also to provide accessible information for the general reader. It is ecumenical and international in character, bringing together nearly 270 authors from as many as twenty countries and including Jews, Christians, and scholars of no religious affiliation.

Contributors: John M. G. Barclay Miriam Pucci Ben Zeev Katell Berthelot John J. Collins Erich S. Gruen Daniel C. Harlow James L. Kugel Adam Kolman Marshak Steve Mason James S. McLaren Maren R. Niehoff David T. Runia Lawrence H. Schiffman Chris Seeman Gregory E. Sterling Loren T. Stuckenbruck Eibert Tigchelaar Eugene Ulrich Annewies van den Hoek James C. VanderKam Jürgen K. Zangenberg


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