'I Lifted My Eyes and Saw': Reading Dream and Vision Reports in the Hebrew Bible
in Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies
T&T Clark
This volume addresses the function and impact of vision and dream accounts in the Hebrew Bible. The contributors explore the exegetical, rhetorical, and structural aspects of the vision and dream accounts in the Hebrew Bible, focusing on prophetic vision reports. Several contributors employ a diachronic approach as they explore the textual relationship between the vision reports and the oracular material. Others focus on the rhetorical aspects of the vision reports in their final form and discuss why vision reporting may be used to convey a message. Another approach employed looks at reception history and investigates how this type of text has been understood by past exegetes. A few chapters consider the inter-textual relationship of the various vision reports in the Hebrew Bible, focusing on shared themes and motifs. There are also papers that deal with the ways in which select texts in the Hebrew Bible portray dream/vision interpreters and
their activities.
- Table Of Contents
- Introduction
- List of Abbreviations
- List of Contributors
- 1. Assessing the Prophetic Vision and Dream Texts for Insights into Religious Experience - Rodney A. Werline, Barton College, USA
- 2. The Polyvalence of Zechariah's Vision Report - Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer, University of Aberdeen, UK
- 3. The Dreams in the Joseph Narrative and Their Impact in Biblical Literature - Camilla von Heijne, Ersta University College, Sweden
- 4. Vision Beyond the Visions in Jeremiah - Pamela Scalise, Fuller Theological Seminary, USA
- 5. The Role of Visionary Experiences for Establishing Prophetic Authority in Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel: Same,Similar, Different? - Elizabeth R. Hayes,, Fuller Theological Seminary, USA
- 6. Envisioning Restoration:Innovations in Ezekiel 40–48 - Michael A. Lyons, Simpson University, USA
- 7. Vision and Curse Aversion inthe Book of Amos - Jason Radine, Moravian College, USA
- 8. Writing the Vision: Zechariah within the Visionary Traditions of the Hebrew Bible - Mark J. Boda, McMaster Divinity College, Canada
- 9. The Eschatology of Zechariah's Night Visions - Anthony R. Petterson, Morling College, Australia
- 10. Interpreting Zechariah's Visions: Redaction Critical Considerations on the Night Vision Cycle (Zech 1.7–6.8) and its Earliest Readers - Martin Hallaschka, University of Hamburg, Germany
- 11. The Interrelationship between Vision and Oracle in Zechariah 1–6 - Michael R. Stead, Moore Theological College, Australia
- 12. Visions of Locusts:The Composition of Revelations 9:7-11 - Sheree Lear, University of St Andrews, UK
- 13. More than a Source? The Impact of Isaiah 6 on the Formation of the Book of Isaiah - Thomas Wagner, Bergische Universität, Germany
- 14. Resurrection as Reward for the Righteous: The Vision of the Dry Bones in Pseudo-Ezekiel as External Continuation of the Biblical Vision in Ezekiel 37.1-14 - Anja Klein, University of Edinburgh, UK
- 15. 'To do the Will of their Master': Re-envisioning the merkaba in Targum Jonathan of Ezekiel - William A. Tooman, University of St Andrews, UK
- Bibliography
- Index
Inner Books
This physical volume has several internal sections, each of which has been reviewed independently
- Assessing the Prophetic Vision and Dream Texts for Insights into Religious Experience by Rodney A. Werline
- The Polyvalence of Zechariah's Vision Report by Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer
- The Dreams in the Joseph Narrative and Their Impact in Biblical Literature by Camilla von Heijne
- Vision Beyond the Visions in Jeremiah by Pamela J. Scalise
- The Role of Visionary Experiences for Establishing Prophetic Authority in Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel: Same,Similar, Different? by Elizabeth R. Hayes
- Envisioning Restoration:Innovations in Ezekiel 40–48 by Michael A. Lyons
- Vision and Curse Aversion in the Book of Amos by Jason H. Radine
- Writing the Vision: Zechariah within the Visionary Traditions of the Hebrew Bible by Mark J. Boda
- The Eschatology of Zechariah's Night Visions by Anthony R. Petterson
- Interpreting Zechariah's Visions: Redaction Critical Considerations on the Night Vision Cycle (Zech 1.7–6.8) and its Earliest Readers by Martin Hallaschka
- The Interrelationship between Vision and Oracle in Zechariah 1–6 by Michael R. Stead
- Visions of Locusts:The Composition of Revelations 9:7-11 by Sheree Lear
- More than a Source? The Impact of Isaiah 6 on the Formation of the Book of Isaiah by Thomas Wagner
- Resurrection as Reward for the Righteous: The Vision of the Dry Bones in Pseudo-Ezekiel as External Continuation of the Biblical Vision in Ezekiel 37.1-14 by Anja Klein
- 'To do the Will of their Master': Re-envisioning the merkaba in Targum Jonathan of Ezekiel by William A. Tooman