1 and 2 Samuel for Everyone
1 and 2 Samuel for Everyone

1 and 2 Samuel for Everyone

in Old Testament for Everyone

by John Goldingay

Rank Score: 4.02 from 0 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 1 user libraries
Pages 208
Publisher Westminster John Knox
Published 2/16/2011
ISBN-13 9780664233792
This sixth volume in the Old Testament for Everyone series covers the stories of Israel's first kings--Saul and David. Goldingay gives them the royal treatment with chapter titles including "Sour Hour of Prayer," "When Ministers Indulge Themselves," "How Not to Evade the Draft," and "What Do You Do When You're Desperate?" Following on the heels of the successful New Testament for Everyone commentaries comes the ambitious Old Testament for Everyone series. Covering Scripture from Genesis to Malachi, John Goldingay addresses the texts in such a way that even the most challenging passages are explained simply. Perfect for daily devotions, Sunday school preparation, or brief visits with the Bible, the Old Testament for Everyone series is an excellent resource for the modern reader.


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