

in Two Horizons Old Testament Commentary

by Ernest C. Lucas

Rank Score: 4.08 from 0 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 4 user libraries
Pages 392
Publisher Eerdmans
Published 1/31/2016
ISBN-13 9780802827104
Relates the theology and wisdom of Proverbs to issues relevant to the twenty-first century In this commentary Ernest Lucas takes a unique "cluster" approach to the book of Proverbs, studying it thematically and showing how it speaks to such issues as character formation, gender relations, wealth and poverty, interpersonal communication, science and religion, and care for the environment. After an introduction discussing the authorship, date, structure, ancient Near Eastern context, and literary forms of Proverbs, Lucas provides critical exegesis of the biblical text in his section-by-section commentary. He identifies "proverbial clusters" and uses them as the basis for interpreting individual proverbs. Several substantial theological essays in a concluding section illuminate major ethical, pastoral, and spiritual themes in Proverbs. Ably unpacking the rich wisdom embedded in the book of Proverbs, Lucas has written a succinct, accessible theological commentary perfect for pastors, teachers, and students.


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