Whose Community? Which Interpretation? Philosophical Hermeneutics for the Church
Whose Community? Which Interpretation? Philosophical Hermeneutics for the Church

Whose Community? Which Interpretation? Philosophical Hermeneutics for the Church

in The Church and Postmodern Culture Series

by Merold Westphal

Pages 160
Publisher Baker Academic
Published 9/1/2009
ISBN-13 9780801031472
In this volume, renowned philosopher Merold Westphal introduces current philosophical thinking related to interpreting the Bible. Recognizing that no theology is completely free of philosophical "contamination," he engages and mines contemporary hermeneutical theory in service of the church. After providing a historical overview of contemporary theories of interpretation, Westphal addresses postmodern hermeneutical theory, arguing that the relativity embraced there is not the same as the relativism in which "anything goes." Rather, Westphal encourages us to embrace the proliferation of interpretations based on different perspectives as a way to get at the richness of the biblical text.


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