This World and the World to Come: Soteriology in Early Judaism
in Library of Second Temple Studies
T&T Clark
Did authors of Second Temple texts concern themselves with 'salvation'? If so, on what terms? What does one need 'salvation' from? Are the parameters of who is included in or excluded from 'salvation' defined? Gurtner's vision in compiling this collection is to gather contributions on a single topic as it is addressed in individual books from the Second Temple period. Working from a sound methodological basis the contributors assess the theme in different books, acknowledging that the approaches in each text are different, depending on issues of genre and provenance. This allows an acute comparison of how this topic is present across a myriad of Second Temple Jewish texts. Throughout the course of the work the notion of "soteriology" is very broadly conceived. Whilst acknowledging the obviously Christian connotation of the term 'soteriology' the volume similarly acknowledges the usefulness of the term as an heuristic category for careful analysis.
- Table Of Contents
- Introduction Daniel M. Gurtner
- Narratives
- 1. "'Waiting for His Deliverance': The Story of Salvation in Judith" Michael F. Bird
- 2. "God's Great Deeds of Deliverance: Soteriology in 3 Maccabees" J.R.C. Cousland
- 3. "Traveling The Royal Road: The Soteriology of Philo of Alexandria" Ronald R. Cox
- 4. "The Hermeneutic of Grace: The Soteriology of Pseudo-Philo's Biblical Antiquities" Preston M. Sprinkle
- Apocalypses
- 5. "Deliverance and Justice: Soteriology in the Book of Daniel" Lorenzo DiTommaso
- 6. "On a Wing and a Prayer: The Soteriology of the Apocalypse of Abraham" John C. Poirier
- 7. "The Few Who Obtain Mercy: Soteriology in 4 Ezra" Jonathan Moo
- 8. "On the Other Side of Disaster: Soteriology in 2 Baruch" Daniel M. Gurtner
- 9. "Personal Salvation and Rigorous Obedience: The Soteriology of 2 Enoch" Grant Macaskill
- Poetics
- 10. "Enduring the Lord's Discipline: Soteriology in the Psalms of Solomon" Kenneth Atkinson
- 11. "'Saved by Wisdom' (Wis. 9:18): Soteriology in the Wisdom of Solomon" Daniel J. Harrington, S.J.
- Qumran
- 12. "Survival at the End of Days: Aspects of Soteriology in the Dead Sea Scrolls Pesharim" Alex Jassen
- 13. "Salvation through Emulation: Facets of Jubilean Soteriology at Qumran" Ian Werrett
- 14. "Grace, Works and Destiny: Salvation in Qumran's Community Rule (1QS/4QS)" Markus Bockmuehl
- Targumim and Rabbinic
- 15. "Messianic Redemption: Soteriology in the Targum Jonathan to the Former and Latter Prophets" Bruce D. Chilton
- 16. "The Restoration of Israel: Soteriology in Rabbinic Judaism" Jacob Neusner
- Conclusion George W.E. Nickelsburg
Inner Books
This physical volume has several internal sections, each of which has been reviewed independently
- 'Waiting for His Deliverance': The Story of Salvation in Judith by Michael F. Bird
- God's Great Deeds of Deliverance: Soteriology in 3 Maccabees by J. R. C. Cousland
- Traveling The Royal Road: The Soteriology of Philo of Alexandria by Ronald R. Cox
- The Hermeneutic of Grace: The Soteriology of Pseudo-Philo's Biblical Antiquities by Preston M. Sprinkle
- Deliverance and Justice: Soteriology in the Book of Daniel by Lorenzo DiTommaso
- On a Wing and a Prayer: The Soteriology of the Apocalypse of Abraham by John C. Poirier
- The Few Who Obtain Mercy: Soteriology in 4 Ezra by Jonathan A. Moo
- On the Other Side of Disaster: Soteriology in 2 Baruch by Daniel M. Gurtner
- Personal Salvation and Rigorous Obedience: The Soteriology of 2 Enoch by Grant Macaskill
- Enduring the Lord's Discipline: Soteriology in the Psalms of Solomon by Kenneth Atkinson
- 'Saved by Wisdom' (Wis. 9:18): Soteriology in the Wisdom of Solomon by Daniel J. Harrington
- Survival at the End of Days: Aspects of Soteriology in the Dead Sea Scrolls Pesharim by Alex Jassen
- Salvation through Emulation: Facets of Jubilean Soteriology at Qumran by Ian Werrett
- Grace, Works and Destiny: Salvation in Qumran's Community Rule (1QS/4QS) by Markus Bockmuehl
- Messianic Redemption: Soteriology in the Targum Jonathan to the Former and Latter Prophets by Bruce D. Chilton
- The Restoration of Israel: Soteriology in Rabbinic Judaism by Jacob Neusner