When You Want to Yell at God: The Book of Job
When You Want to Yell at God: The Book of Job

When You Want to Yell at God: The Book of Job

in Transformative Word

by Craig G. Bartholomew

Pages 112
Publisher Lexham Press
Published 1/1/2014
ISBN-13 9781577997085
Experience the book of Job through a different set of eyes. In When You Want to Yell at God, Craig Bartholomew asks us to let go of the Job we think we know so we can get to know the real man. Job’s story refutes the idea that what goes around comes around. Suffering is not always the result of wrong behavior, and right behavior does not always guarantee blessing. But God is always faithful. Looking at Job as the height of biblical poetry, Bartholomew helps us see just how beautiful and touching this man’s struggle with God really is.


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