Leshon Limmudim: Essays on the Language and Literature of the Hebrew Bible in Honour of A.A. Macintosh
in Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies
T&T Clark
In the course of a long and noteworthy career, Dr Andrew Macintosh has trained a large number of students in the language and literature of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament. Some of these have gone on to achieve recognition as leading biblical scholars, while others have occupied positions of influence in education and religion. All have been shaped by the honorand's unquenchable enthusiasm for the Hebrew language and its employment in texts ancient, medieval, and modern. In addition to his own estimable scholarly publications, Dr Macintosh has been a valued and appreciated colleague to others in his field. A select number of those colleagues-some of whom learned Hebrew as the honorand's pupils- present cutting-edge essays on the language, literature, and context of the Hebrew Bible and Old Testament as a gesture of respect to their friend, mentor, and colleague. From drunken Noah to behind closed doors in the Davidic monarchy, from the biblical genesis of humanity to the biblical lexicon of wine-making, senior scholars here present discerning essays that address the wide range of biblical studies which characterizes the career and contribution of their colleague A.A.Macintosh.
- Table Of Contents
- Introduction
- Part I: The Languageand Literature of the Pentateuch
- 1.The imagodei in Genesis 1-3 - N. MacDonald
- 2.Evensong in Eden: As It Was Probably Not in the Beginning - R.P. Gordon
- 3.Noah's Drunkenness and the Curse of Canaan inGenesis 9.18-27 - J. Day
- 4.Dividing Up the Pentateuch: Some Notes on the Hebrew Tradition - G.I. Davies
- Part II: The Language and Literature of the Historical Books
- 5.Can The Samson Narrative Properly Be Called Heroic? - C. Echols
- 6.Translating Politics into Religion: Theological Enrichment in 1 Kings 5-9 - G. Eberhardt
- 7.Behind Closed Doors: the Secret World of Jerusalem's Palace Diplomacy - R.E. Clements
- Part III: TheLanguage and Literature of the Prophets
- 8.YHWH's Wise Man (Psalm 1) in LXX Isaiah 32. A Case of Fortunate Reframing - D.A. Baer
- 9.Food forthe Birds of Heaven: Staged Death and Intercession in Jeremiah in Light of Shakespeare's Cymbeline - D. Lipton
- 10.David their King (Whom God Will Raise): Hosea3.5 and the Onset of Messianic Expectation in the Prophetic Books - A. Rofé
- 11.Goddesses, Trees, and the Interpretation of Hosea 14.9 - J. Hadley
- 12.The Text and Interpretation of Nahum 2.2 - E. Ball
- Part IV: The Language and Literature of the Writings
- 13.Psalm 102.14 and Didache 10.6 on Grace to Come -W. Horbury
- 14.Wisdom and Psalm 119 - C. Engle
- 15.Biblical Texts in New Contexts: Job in Music - K. Dell
- 16.An Overlooked Suggestion at Proverbs 1.10 - H.G.M. Williamson
- 17.Reflections on the Aramaic Portions of Daniel - E. Hunter
- 18.The Text of Daniel 3.16 - B. Mastin
- Part V: Themes and Resonances of Biblical Language and Literature
- 19.Some Comments on the Semantic Range of the Stem ??? in Early Rabbinic Texts - S. Reif
- 20.Wine Production in Ancient Israel and the Meaning of shemarim in the Hebrew Bible - W.D. Barker
- 21.The Cherished Child: Images of Parental Love in the Hebrew Bible - R. Lentin
- 22.'The Hills are Alive!': The Personification ofNature in the Hebrew Bible - H. Marlow
- 23.Beginning and Ending: Genesis 1.1 and the Gospel of John - D. Ford
- Part VI:Afterword (the editors)
Inner Books
This physical volume has several internal sections, each of which has been reviewed independently
- The imagodei in Genesis 1-3 by Nathan MacDonald
- Evensong in Eden: As It Was Probably Not in the Beginning by Robert P. Gordon
- Noah's Drunkenness and the Curse of Canaan in Genesis 9.18-27 by John Day
- Dividing Up the Pentateuch: Some Notes on the Hebrew Tradition by Graham I. Davies
- Can The Samson Narrative Properly Be Called Heroic? by C. Echols
- Translating Politics into Religion: Theological Enrichment in 1 Kings 5-9 by G. Eberhardt
- Behind Closed Doors: the Secret World of Jerusalem's Palace Diplomacy by Ronald E. Clements
- YHWH's Wise Man (Psalm 1) in LXX Isaiah 32. A Case of Fortunate Reframing by David A. Baer
- Food for the Birds of Heaven: Staged Death and Intercession in Jeremiah in Light of Shakespeare's Cymbeline by Diana Lipton
- David their King (Whom God Will Raise): Hosea 3:5 and the Onset of Messianic Expectation in the Prophetic Books by A. Rofé
- Goddesses, Trees and the Interpretation of Hosea 14:9 by J. Hadley
- The Text and Interpretation of Nahum 2:2 by Edward Ball
- Psalm 102:14 and Didache 10.6 on Grace to Come by William Horbury
- Wisdom and Psalm 119 by C. Engle
- Biblical Texts in New Contexts: Job in Music by Katharine J. Dell
- An Overlooked Suggestion at Proverbs 1.10 by H. G. M. Williamson
- Reflections on the Aramaic Portions of Daniel by E. Hunter
- The Text of Daniel 3:16 by B. A. Mastin
- Some Comments on the Semantic Range of the Stem ??? in Early Rabbinic Texts by S. Reif
- Wine Production in Ancient Israel and the Meaning of shemarim in the Hebrew Bible by W. D. Barker
- The Cherished Child: Images of Parental Love in the Hebrew Bible by R. Lentin
- 'The Hills are Alive!': The Personification of Nature in the Hebrew Bible by Hilary F. Marlow
- Beginning and Ending: Genesis 1:1 and the Gospel of John by David F. Ford