Introducing Romans: Critical Concerns in Paul's Most Famous Letter
 Introducing Romans: Critical Concerns in Paul's Most Famous Letter

Introducing Romans: Critical Concerns in Paul's Most Famous Letter

by Richard N. Longenecker

Rank Score: 4.02 from 0 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 1 user libraries
Pages 536
Publisher Eerdmans
Published 3/25/2011
ISBN-13 9780802866196
Paul's Letter to the Romans has proven to be a particular challenge for commentators, with its many highly significant interpretive issues often leading to tortuous convolutions and even "dead ends" in their understanding of the letter.

Here, Richard N. Longenecker takes a comprehensive look at the complex backdrop of Paul's letter and carefully unpacks a number of critical issues, including:

  • Authorship, integrity, occasion, date, addressees, and purpose
  • Important recent interpretive approaches
  • Greco-Roman oral, rhetorical, and epistolary conventions
  • Jewish and Jewish Christian thematic and rhetorical features
  • The establishing of the letter's Greek text
  • The letter's main focus, structure, and argument


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