

in Two Horizons Old Testament Commentary

by James McKeown

5 Rank Score: 5.08 from 1 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 3 user libraries
Pages 162
Publisher Eerdmans
Published 3/30/2015
ISBN-13 9780802863850
An expressly theological reading of the biblical book of Ruth

In this commentary James McKeown approaches the book of Ruth as part of the whole canon of Scripture, exploring not only the content of the book itself but also its relationship to other biblical books. He shows in particular how Ruth overflows with allusions to Genesis. The themes of "blessing," "seed," and "land" are common to both books, and studying Genesis and Ruth together provides profound insights into the providential working of God to fulfill the promises made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

In addition to his exegetical commentary on the text of Ruth, McKeown provides useful background material on how the book has been interpreted throughout history, including Jewish interpretation, and he focuses on Ruth's theology and its application. His discussion also touches on such related topics as universalism, feminist studies, and the missiological significance of the book of Ruth.

McKeown's insightful commentary will enable students, pastors, and laypeople to better understand the ancient book of Ruth so that they can better apply its message and wisdom today.


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McKeown’s commentary on Ruth is rich. His exposition is illuminating, the biblical theological links between Ruth and Genesis are intriguing, and his theological reflections in the second half of the book provide a treasure trove of fodder for application when preaching. [Full Review]