All Israel will be Saved: Paul's Midrash in Romans 9-11
All Israel will be Saved: Paul's Midrash in Romans 9-11

All Israel will be Saved: Paul's Midrash in Romans 9-11

by Anne Kimball Davis

Rank Score: 4.04 from 0 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 2 user libraries
Pages 190
Publisher Bible Interact
Published 1/7/2014
ISBN-13 9781494925529
Romans 9-11 may be the most perplexing portion of the Pauline Epistles. These three chapters are teeming with citations from the Hebrew Scriptures. Paul’s purpose for the quotations is often obscure, the logic of his reasoning is confusing, and attempts to understand what he is telling us can be frustrating. Dr. Anne Davis has recovered ancient Hebraic methods of searching the Scriptures, which penetrate Paul's mysteries and explain how "all Israel will be saved."


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