Oxford's Protestant Spy: The Controversial Career of Charles Golightly
Oxford's Protestant Spy: The Controversial Career of Charles Golightly

Oxford's Protestant Spy: The Controversial Career of Charles Golightly

in Studies In Evangelical History And Thought

by Andrew Atherstone

Pages 333
Publisher Paternoster Press
Published 7/30/2007
ISBN-13 9781842273647
Charles Golightly (1807-85) was a notorious Protestant polemicist. His life was dedicated to resisting the spread of ritualism and liberalism within the Church of England and the University of Oxford. For half a century he led many memorable campaigns, such as building a martyr's memorial and attempting to close a theological college. John Henry Newman, Samuel Wilberforce, and Benjamin Jowett were among his adversaries. This is the first study of Golightly's controversial career.


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