Transatlantic Revivalism: Popular Evangelicalism in Britain and America 1790 - 1865
Transatlantic Revivalism: Popular Evangelicalism in Britain and America 1790 - 1865

Transatlantic Revivalism: Popular Evangelicalism in Britain and America 1790 - 1865

in Studies In Evangelical History And Thought

by Richard Carwardine

Pages 249
Publisher Paternoster Press
Published 6/1/2006
ISBN-13 9781842273739
Jesus Revolutionary of Peace demonstrates that the figure of Jesus in the book of Revelation can be best understood as an active non-violent revolutionary. Jesus was a warrior of the non-violent tradition. He sought to conquer his enemies not through violence but through compassion. Seeking to present a comprehensive balanced view of this non-violent Jesus Mark Bredin engages with Mahatma Gandhi's theory to explore the place of non-violence in the biblical tradition.


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