Ancient Jewish and Christian Texts as Crisis Management Literature: Thematic Studies from the Centre for Early Christian Studies
in Library of New Testament Studies
T&T Clark
This volume seeks to demonstrate, for the first time, that many Jewish and Christian texts in the ancient world were written as a direct response to an earlier situation of crisis that affected the author, or the intended reader. Presented here are texts from both traditions that were written over many centuries in order to establish that such crisis management literature was widespread in the religious and theological literature of ancient times. These chosen works reveal that all manner of crises could contribute to the production or the nature of these texts; including persecution, political factors, religious or theological differences, social circumstances; as well as internal or external threats. By understanding this crucial element in the composition of these texts we are better able to understand the complexity of social, political and religious forces that gave rise to many ancient theological texts, and to appreciate the strategies which the authors used to manage these crises.
- Table Of Contents
- Introduction Pauline Allen
- Part I: Jewish Texts
- Chapter 1: Living under Foreign Rule: Josephus on the Art of Compromised Defiance, James S. McLaren
- Chapter 2: Coping with the Present by Reinventing the Future: Apocalyptic Texts as Crisis Management Literature David C. Sim
- Part II: New Testament Texts
- Chapter 3: Fighting on all Fronts: Crisis Management in the Gospel of Matthew David C. Sim
- Chapter 4: Luke-Acts and the World Stage: Crisis Strategies in the Lukan Double Work Elizabeth Dowling
- Chapter 5: Nicodemus: Discovering Possibilities in a Time of Crisis in the Gospel of John Mary Coloe
- Chapter 6: Setting the Record Straight in Galatia: Paul's Use of the Letter as a Crisis Management Tool Ian J. Elmer
- Chapter 7: Death as Social Disintegration: Pauline Strategies of Eschatological Existence in 1 Thessalonians David Luckensmeyer
- Part III: Late Antique Christian Texts
- Chapter 8: The Letters of John Chrysostom as Evidence of Episcopal Crisis Management Wendy Mayer
- Chapter 9: The Roman Response to the Ecclesiastical Crises in the Antiochene Church in the Late Fourth and Early Fifth Centuries Geoffrey D. Dunn
- Chapter 10: Cyril of Alexandria's Responses to Crisis: The Evidence of His Festal Letters Pauline Allen
- Chapter 11: Leo the Great's Use of Social Exclusion as a Response to Crisis Bronwen Neil
- Chapter 12: Response Strategies to Crisis in the Letters of Fulgentius of Ruspe Stephen Lake
- Conclusions David C. Sim
Inner Books
This physical volume has several internal sections, each of which has been reviewed independently
- Living under Foreign Rule: Josephus on the Art of Compromised Defiance by James S. McLaren
- Coping with the Present by Reinventing the Future: Apocalyptic Texts as Crisis Management Literature by David C. Sim
- Fighting on all Fronts: Crisis Management in the Gospel of Matthew by David C. Sim
- Luke-Acts and the World Stage: Crisis Strategies in the Lukan Double Work by Elizabeth V. Dowling
- Nicodemus: Discovering Possibilities in a Time of Crisis in the Gospel of John by Mary L. Coloe
- Setting the Record Straight in Galatia: Paul's Use of the Letter as a Crisis Management Tool by Ian J. Elmer
- Death as Social Disintegration: Pauline Strategies of Eschatological Existence in 1 Thessalonians by David Luckensmeyer
- The Letters of John Chrysostom as Evidence of Episcopal Crisis Management by Wendy Mayer
- The Roman Response to the Ecclesiastical Crises in the Antiochene Church in the Late Fourth and Early Fifth Centuries by Geoffrey D. Dunn
- Cyril of Alexandria's Responses to Crisis: The Evidence of His Festal Letters by Pauline Allen
- Leo the Great's Use of Social Exclusion as a Response to Crisis by Bronwen Neil
- Response Strategies to Crisis in the Letters of Fulgentius of Ruspe by Stephen Lake