Perspectives on Our Father Abraham: Essays in Honor of Marvin R. Wilson
Marvin R. Wilson has devoted much of his life to bringing Jews and Christians into dialogue with one another. His seminal text, Our Father Abraham — perhaps more than any other book — has clearly shown a generation of Christians the Jewish roots of their faith.
Perspectives on Our Father Abraham is a collection of thoughtful articles honouring Marvin Wilson on the occasion of his seventy-fifth birthday. Nineteen Jewish and Christian scholars — friends of his and experts in their own fields — here offer various studies related to the patriarch Abraham. Readers will profit from these engaging, even ground-breaking, studies of Abraham both in the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures and in other ancient and contemporary traditions.
More than simply a Festschrift, this book encompasses a uniquely broad range of traditions having to do with Abraham. It also succeeds in the task that Wilson has always encouraged — bringing Jews and Christians together in fruitful dialogue.
Perspectives on Our Father Abraham is a collection of thoughtful articles honouring Marvin Wilson on the occasion of his seventy-fifth birthday. Nineteen Jewish and Christian scholars — friends of his and experts in their own fields — here offer various studies related to the patriarch Abraham. Readers will profit from these engaging, even ground-breaking, studies of Abraham both in the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures and in other ancient and contemporary traditions.
More than simply a Festschrift, this book encompasses a uniquely broad range of traditions having to do with Abraham. It also succeeds in the task that Wilson has always encouraged — bringing Jews and Christians together in fruitful dialogue.
- Table of Contents
- Foreword - R. Judson Carlberg
- Acknowledgments
- Contributors
- The Life and Legacy of Marvin R. Wilson - Roger J. Green
- Abraham and Archaeology: Anachronisms or Adaptations? - Edwin M. Yamauchi
- Abraham's Experience of Yahweh: An Argument for the Historicity of the Patriarchal Narrative - John N. Oswalt
- A Song of Our Father Abraham: Psalm 105 - Ted Hildebrandt
- Abraham in Exile - H. G. M. Williamson
- And the Word Became Flesh---Again? Jesus and Abraham in John 8:31-59 - Steven A. Hunt
- "The Tomb That Abraham Had Purchased" (Acts 7:16) - Elaine Phillips
- Who Are Abraham's True Children? The Role of Abraham in Pauline Argumentation - Gordon D. Fee
- The Law and the Promise: God's Covenant with Abraham in Pauline Perspective - William B. Barcley
- Abraham and Empire in Galatians - Roy E. Ciampa
- Abraham, the Father of Many Nations in the Book of Revelation - David Mathewson
- "They Are Loved on Account of the Patriarchs": Zekhut Avot and the Covenant with Abraham - Elaine Phillips
- Sarah: The View of the Classical Rabbis - David J. Zucker
- "Go to the Root of Your Own Life": Some Contemporary Jewish Readings of the Abraham Saga - David Klatzker
- Elizabeth Boush's "Sacrifice of Isaac": An Eighteenth-Century Object Lesson for Today's Church - Lauren F. Winner
- Our Brother Abraham: The "Sacrifice" in Films by Tarkovsky and Majidi - Mark L. Sargent
- Evangelicals and Jews: The Unfinished Agenda - A. James Rudin
- Following Abraham into the Twenty-first Century: Building Christian-Jewish Relations Today - JoAnn G. Magnuson
- "The Other Woman": A Collaborative Jewish-Christian Study of Hagar - Rebecca Gates Brinton
Inner Books
This physical volume has several internal sections, each of which has been reviewed independently
- The Life and Legacy of Marvin R. Wilson by Roger J. Green
- Abraham and Archaeology: Anachronisms or Adaptations? by Edwin M. Yamauchi
- Abraham's Experience of Yahweh: An Argument for the Historicity of the Patriarchal Narrative by John N. Oswalt
- A Song of Our Father Abraham: Psalm 105 by Ted Hildebrandt
- Abraham in Exile by
- And the Word Became Flesh---Again? Jesus and Abraham in John 8:31-59 by Steven A. Hunt
- "The Tomb That Abraham Had Purchased" (Acts 7:16) by Elaine A. Phillips
- Who Are Abraham's True Children? The Role of Abraham in Pauline Argumentation by Gordon D. Fee
- The Law and the Promise: God's Covenant with Abraham in Pauline Perspective by William B. Barcley
- Abraham and Empire in Galatians by Roy E. Ciampa
- Abraham, the Father of Many Nations in the Book of Revelation by David L. Mathewson
- "They Are Loved on Account of the Patriarchs": Zekhut Avot and the Covenant with Abraham by Elaine A. Phillips
- Sarah: The View of the Classical Rabbis by David J. Zucker
- "Go to the Root of Your Own Life": Some Contemporary Jewish Readings of the Abraham Saga by David Klatzker
- Elizabeth Boush's "Sacrifice of Isaac": An Eighteenth-Century Object Lesson for Today's Church by Lauren F. Winner
- Our Brother Abraham: The "Sacrifice" in Films by Tarkovsky and Majidi by Mark L. Sargent
- Evangelicals and Jews: The Unfinished Agenda by A. James Rudin
- Following Abraham into the Twenty-first Century: Building Christian-Jewish Relations Today by JoAnn G. Magnuson
- "The Other Woman": A Collaborative Jewish-Christian Study of Hagar by Rebecca Gates Brinton