

in Story of God Bible Commentary

by Tremper Longman III

4.9 Rank Score: 5.16 from 2 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 2 user libraries
Pages 624
Publisher Zondervan
Published 3/31/2016
ISBN-13 9780310496076
A new commentary for today’s world, The Story of God Bible Commentary explains and illuminates each passage of Scripture in light of the Bible’s grand story. The first commentary series to do so, SGBC offers a clear and compelling exposition of biblical texts, guiding readers in how to creatively and faithfully live out the Bible in their own contexts. Its story-centric approach is idea for pastors, students, Sunday school teachers, and all who want to understand the Bible in today’s world.

SGBC is organized into three easy-to-use sections, designed to help readers live out God’s story: Listen to the Story; Explain the Story; and Live the Story.


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Meant for ease of reading use for pastors and laypeople, offers a great master reading of the whole text. [Full Review]
Dave Cook, D.Ed.Min. Dave Cook, D.Ed.Min. October 12, 2020
Of the scholars at Longman's level (the top of OT scholarship), I think this work does the best job of distilling the ANE creation and flood myths, literary scholarship, Hebrew language knowledge, and Biblical theology into a studious but accessible commentary.