The Cambridge History of the Bible: Volume 3: The West from the Reformation to the Present Day
Cambridge University Press
Volume 3 covers the effects of the Bible on the history of the West between the Reformation and the publication of the New English Bible.
- Preface
- 1. The Bible in the reformation Roland H. Bainton
- 2. Biblical scholarship: editions and commentaries Basil Hall
- 3. Continental versions to c.1600 Hans Volz, Kenelm Foster, S. Van Der Woude, E. M. Wilson, R. Auty, Bent Noack
- 4. English versions of the Bible, 1525–1611 S. L. Greenslade
- 5. The religion of protestants Norman Sykes
- 6. The Bible in the Roman Catholic Church from trent to the present day F. J. Crehan
- 7. The criticism and theological use of the Bible, 1700–1950 W. Neil
- 8. The rise of modern biblical scholarship and recent discussion od the authority of the Bible Alan Richardson
- 9. Continental versions from c.1600 to the present day Bernhard Dammermann, S. L. Greenslade, R. A. Sayce, S. Van Der Woude, E. M. Wilson, Bent Noack, Kenelm Foster
- 10. English versions since 1611 Luther A. Weigle, C. F. D. Moule
- 11. The Bible and the missionary Eric Fenn
- 12. The printed Bible M. H. Black
- 13. Epilogue S. L. Greenslade
- Appendices D. R. Jones
- Bibliography
- Notes on the plates
- Plates
- Indexes.