

in Old Testament Library

by Carol A. Newsom and Brennan W. Breed

5 Rank Score: 5.22 from 1 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 5 user libraries
Publisher Westminster John Knox
Published 11/24/2014
ISBN-13 9780664220808
The book of Daniel is a literary rich and complex story known for its apocalyptic style. Written in both Hebrew and Aramaic, the book begins with stories of Daniel and three Jewish young men Hananiah (Shadrach), Mishael (Meshach), and Azariah (Abednego) who are exiles among the remnant from Judea in Babylon in sixth century b.c.e. It ends with Daniel's visions and dreams about the Jewish community that offer comfort and encouragement as they endure persecution and hope for deliverance into God's kingdom.

Newsom's commentary offers a fresh study of Daniel in its historical context. Newsom further analyzes Daniel from literary and theological perspectives. With her expert commentary, Newsom's study will be the definitive commentary on Daniel for many years to come.


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G Ware G Ware May 2, 2018
Exceptional work, particularly on historical context and reception, literary style, and purpose. Brennan Breed provides additional comments on historical reception- both Jewish and Christian. Thoroughly engages with secondary sources and builds on previous works and adds fresh research and perspective. It's very readable, and engaging, but still deeply scholarly. Newsom concludes that the though the narrative traditions of 1-6 are mostly written in Aramaic, and feature Akkadian and Persian elements, indicating origins in the Eastern Diaspora, their final form, and the apocalyptic visions of 7-12 come from Jerusalem or its vicinity in the period of Antiochus IV.