Soma in Biblical Theology With Emphasis on Pauline Anthropology
Soma in Biblical Theology With Emphasis on Pauline Anthropology

Soma in Biblical Theology With Emphasis on Pauline Anthropology

in Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series

by Robert H. Gundry

Pages 280
Publisher Cambridge University Press
Published 8/1/2005
ISBN-13 9780521018708
This addition to the well-known series of theological monographs deals with the use of the Greek work traditionally translated 'body' but recently as 'person', especially in certain parts of the writings of Paul. Theologians have argued that the translation as 'person' defines man as an indivisible whole and as a complex of relationships rather than an organization of substances. Against the trends of modern biblical theology, Dr Gundry seeks to show that soma always refers to the individual physical body and that it should be defined in substantive categories. Consequently, the theological importance of the body as individual physical substance is insured for life in this world and in the next. Neither antagonism between body and spirit nor the possible independence of full personhood from physical existence characterizes biblical anthropology.


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