Jesus und der Täufer: Schlüssel zur Theologie und Ethik des Lukas
Jesus und der Täufer: Schlüssel zur Theologie und Ethik des Lukas

Jesus und der Täufer: Schlüssel zur Theologie und Ethik des Lukas

in Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series

by Peter Böhlemann

Pages 396
Publisher Cambridge University Press
Published 11/1/2005
ISBN-13 9780521018920
This German language title presents a new interpretation of Luke's theology and ethics. The author demonstrates how Luke develops his theological agenda by contrasting the teaching of Jesus with that of John the Baptist. Throughout his writing, Luke develops his own theology of liberation, which he uses to try and win over the followers of John the Baptist to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. John and his followers preached with threats of judgment while Jesus is depicted as a forgiving pastoral leader--the good shepherd.


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