20th Century Jewish Religious Thought
20th Century Jewish Religious Thought

20th Century Jewish Religious Thought

by eds. Cohen, Arthur A.; Mendes-Flohr, Paul

Pages 1200
Publisher Jewish Publication Society of America
Published 2/15/2009
ISBN-13 9780827608924
Cohen and Mendes-Flohr's classic work has been hailed by many as the most important comprehensive anthology ever published on topices central to Judaism from a modern perspective. In 140 essays by renowned Jewish figures such as Eugene Borowitz, Blue Greenberg, Jacob Neusner, Gershom Scholem, and Adin Steinsaltz, this volume presents striking insights into a provocative range of topics - charity, chosen people, death, family, love, myth, suffering, tradition, Torah, and many more. Each essay will bring readers closer to an understanding of what Judaism is all about.


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