The Theology of the Book of Revelation
The Theology of the Book of Revelation

The Theology of the Book of Revelation

in New Testament Theology (Cambridge)

by Richard J. Bauckham

Rank Score: 4.14 from 0 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 2 user libraries
Pages 181
Publisher Cambridge University Press
Published 3/1/1993
ISBN-13 9780521356916
Richard Bauckham expounds the theology of the Book of Revelation: its understanding of God, Christ and the Spirit, the role of the Church in the world, and the hope of the coming of God's universal kingdom. Close attention is paid both to the literary form in which the theology is expressed and to the original context to which the book was addressed. Contrary to many misunderstandings of Revelation, it is shown to be one of the masterpieces of early Christian literature, with much to say to the Church today. This study offers a unique account of the theology and message of Revelation.


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