The Theology of the Johannine Epistles
The Theology of the Johannine Epistles

The Theology of the Johannine Epistles

in New Testament Theology (Cambridge)

by Judith M. Lieu

Rank Score: 4.1 from 0 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 0 user libraries
Pages 144
Publisher Cambridge University Press
Published 5/1/1991
ISBN-13 9780521358064
The Johannine Epistles have long been recognized as contributing a vital element to the theology of the New Testament. Usually it is to the Gospel that the reader turns first in order to explore that contribution; the First Epistle is treated as a supplement, while 2 and 3 John--because of their brevity--receive little attention. This book allows the Epistles to speak for themselves, and shows that they sound a distinctive note within Johannine theology, in particular, and the thought of the New Testament, in general. Dr. Lieu carefully outlines their most important theological themes which, when understood in their original setting, are seen to have rich potential for the continuing theology of the Church.


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