Society & the Promise to David: The Reception History of 2 Samuel 7: 1-17
Society & the Promise to David: The Reception History of 2 Samuel 7: 1-17

Society & the Promise to David: The Reception History of 2 Samuel 7: 1-17

by William M. Schniedewind

Pages 240
Publisher Oxford University Press
Published 5/1/1999
ISBN-13 9780195126808
In the second book of Samuel, the prophet Nathan tells King David that God will give to him and his descendants a great and everlasting kingdom. In this study Schniedewind looks at how this dynastic Promise has been understood and transmitted from the time of its first appearance at the inception of the Hebrew monarchy until the dawn of Christianity. He shows in detail how, over the centuries, the Promise grew in importance and prestige. One measure of this growing importance was the Promise's ability to coax new readers into fresh interpretations.


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