The Gospel and Israel: The Edersheim Lectures
The Gospel and Israel: The Edersheim Lectures

The Gospel and Israel: The Edersheim Lectures

by Paul W. Barnett, Ian Pennicook, Stephen Voorwinde, Mark D. Thompson, Peter Barnes, Rowland S. Ward, Martin Pakula, David I. Starling, and Michael S. Moore

Rank Score: 4.02 from 0 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 1 user libraries
Pages 192
Publisher Wipf & Stock
Published 4/7/2014
ISBN-13 9781625641540
The mission of the church to the Jews is a unique one. The biblical, theological and practical issues differ from those with other groups because Israel was, and is, the people to whom God gave his promises. However, the unbelief of many Jewish people and the persecution of Jewish people in the name of Jesus makes mission to the Jews uniquely difficult, requiring considerable sensitivity. But it is also full of hope, for there is promise of both a remnant and a fullness coming to faith in Jesus the Messiah. The lectures in this book were part of a series organized by Christian Witness to Israel in Australia to explore this unique challenge and to encourage an intelligent, heartfelt, and persevering interest in mission to the Jewish people. The studies focus on Biblical, theological, historical, and current issues. They were named the Edersheim Lectures after Alfred Edersheim, the well-known nineteenth-century Jewish Christian scholar and author who served in Romania as a missionary and in the United Kingdom as a pastor. Following in his example, The Gospel and Israel engages in an in-depth examination of themes relating to the Jewish people and the Christian faith.

Contributors to this volume include:
  • Dr. Paul Barnett - Jews and Gentiles and the Gospel of Christ
  • Dr. Ian Pennicook - The Place of Israel in Systematic Theology
  • Dr. Stephen Voorwinde - How Jewish Is Israel in the New Testament?
  • Dr. Mark D. Thompson - Luther and the Jews
  • Dr. Peter Barnes - Calvin and the Jews
  • Dr. Rowland S. Ward - Christian Mission to the Jews: 1550–1850
  • Martin Pakula - The Israel/Palestine Conflict
  • Dr. David Starling - The Yes to All God's Promises: Jesus, Israel and the Promises of God in Paul's Letters
  • Mike Moore - Pentecost and the Plan of God


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