The Sages - Character, Context & Creativity: Volume II: From Yavne to the Bar Kokhba Revolt
The Sages - Character, Context & Creativity: Volume II: From Yavne to the Bar Kokhba Revolt

The Sages - Character, Context & Creativity: Volume II: From Yavne to the Bar Kokhba Revolt

by Binyamin Lau

Rank Score: 4.02 from 0 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 1 user libraries
Pages 250
Publisher Maggid Press
Published 9/1/2010
ISBN-13 9781592642465
This multi-volume series offers fresh perspectives on the individual characters of the sages (Hazal), the historical contexts in which they lived, and the creativity they brought to the pursuit of Jewish wisdom. Volume II covers the period from Yavne to the Bar Kokhba Revolt.


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