The Book of Job
The Book of Job

The Book of Job

in Judaica Press: Books of the Bible

by A. J. Rosenberg

Pages 512
Publisher Judaica Press
Published 1/1/1989
ISBN-13 9780910818803
The Book of Job eloquently seeks to answer one very important question: If Job is truly righteous, what makes him deserving of the punishment G-d sees fit to give him?

This invaluable aid to learning Tanach is used by students around the world! It provides the benefit of owning two sets in one, since each volume features both the complete Hebrew Mikraoth Gedoloth as well as a concise, modern English translation of the text with extensive commentary.

In addition, each and every Rashi is translated, as are selections from the Ramban, Sforno, Rashbam, Ibn Ezra, from Talmudic and Midrashic sources, and numerous other commentaries never before translated. Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, zt"l, gave his unstinting approbation to this now classic series.


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