The Book of Exodus: Volume 1 (Shemoth, Va'era, Bo, Beshallach and Yithro)
The Book of Exodus: Volume 1 (Shemoth, Va'era, Bo, Beshallach and Yithro)

The Book of Exodus: Volume 1 (Shemoth, Va'era, Bo, Beshallach and Yithro)

in Judaica Press: Books of the Bible

by A. J. Rosenberg

Pages 704
Publisher Judaica Press
Published 1/1/1996
ISBN-13 9781880582152
This first volume of Exodus includes the Torah portions of Shemoth, Va'era, Bo, Beshallach, and Yithro.

The Judaica Press Books of the Bible series continues the style and format of our best-selling landmark series--Books of the Prophets & Holy Writings. Buy this series and you'll own two sets in one package--since it features not only a superb English commentary, but the complete Hebrew Mikraoth Gedoloth!

Each volume contains the Hebrew Chumash text and all the classical Mikraoth Gedoloth commentaries. The facing page contains a modern English translation with extensive translation of the Mikraoth Gedoloth commentary--including a translation of every Rashi, and explanations of Rashi based on Gur Aryeh and Mizrachi. Also featured is commentary from the Ramban, Sforno, Rashbam, Ibn Ezra, Ohr Hachayim, Keli Yakar, selections from Talmudic and Midrashic sources and numerous other commentaries never before translated.


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