Revelation for Everyone
Revelation for Everyone

Revelation for Everyone

in New Testament For Everyone

by N. T. Wright

4 Rank Score: 4.08 from 1 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 3 user libraries
Pages 240
Publisher S.P.C.K. Publishing
Published 9/23/2011
ISBN-13 978-0281064632
Writing in an accessible and anecdotal style, Tom Wright helps us to negotiate the final book of the Bible, regarded by many as the hardest to understand. He encourages us to see how the Revelation of John offers one of the clearest, sharpest visions of God's ultimate purpose for the whole of creation: the overthrow of evil and the victory of God. In a world that often seems filled with violence, hatred and suspicion, John's glorious images of the end of days are a clarion call to all Christians to be tireless, faithful witnesses to God's love. With this volume, the New Testament for Everyone series is completed.


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Christopher L. Scott Christopher L. Scott December 17, 2016
Some of Wright's hermeneutics are very different than mine. He leans heavily on the "symbolic" interpretation. However, his pastoral applications and illustrations in this commentary are the best I have ever read in a commentary. Great devotional reading.