

in Concordia Commentary

by James Bollhagen

Rank Score: 4.1 from 0 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 0 user libraries
Pages 512
Publisher Concordia Publishing House
Published 6/1/2011
ISBN-13 978-0570063872
The key to understanding this difficult book is God’s wisdom in Jesus Christ. Solomon realistically appraises many human endeavors and finds them to be futile. The things of this world are temporary, and life is fleeting. Yet the Gospel endows our lives with eternal significance. Divine wisdom instills fear and faith in God. This knowledge enables us to serve meaningfully in our vocations and pass through the coming eschatological judgment into eternal life.

This commentary is perfect for the pastor seeking to study, preach, and teach Ecclesiastes. It provides insightful wisdom and mature theological reflection on this enigmatic book of Holy Scripture. Dr. Bollhagen draws on his lifetime of faithful service as a seminary professor and parish pastor as he writes with practical wisdom for daily living.


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