2 Samuel
2 Samuel

2 Samuel

in Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible

by Robert Barron

5 Rank Score: 5.14 from 1 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 1 user libraries
Pages 240
Publisher Brazos Press
Published 5/1/2015
ISBN-13 9781587432910
In this addition to the The Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible, highly acclaimed author, speaker, and theologian Robert Barron offers a theological exegesis of 2 Samuel. He highlights three major themes: God’s non-competitive transcendence, the play between divine and non-divine causality, and the role of Old Testament kingship.


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R. Hansen R. Hansen October 31, 2017
Very good at following the theological implications of the text and intention of the narrator. He does not comment on every text and does not include a lot of background, but I would still say this is perhaps the best commentary on 2 Samuel. His comments can lead one to think of implications for today. Especially good at tying in the stories to the larger narrative of Scripture Though for in depth study you might was another commentary for specific textual comments and background info.