The Books of 1 and 2 Thessalonians: Living for Christ's Return
The Books of 1 and 2 Thessalonians: Living for Christ's Return

The Books of 1 and 2 Thessalonians: Living for Christ's Return

in 21st Century Biblical Commentary Series

by Michael Stallard

Pages 256
Publisher AMG Publishers
Published 3/9/2009
ISBN-13 9780899578279
HOW DO WE FIND HOPE WHEN OUR WORLD IS FALLING APART? EVERY HUMAN BEING ON EARTH IS UNIQUE, and every person has their own struggles and trials. When trials are at their worst, when hope seems unimaginable, believers may be tempted to question the hand of providence. In the deepest of trials, they must keep walking a righteous path, and take comfort in the fact that God will make all things right. It was on in the history of the Church, just twenty years or so after the death and resurrection of Christ, when persecution ripped Paul from his young gathering of believers in Thessalonica. Filled with anxiety and undergoing strong persecution, these believers were certainly feeling like everything was caving in around them. Paul wrote 1 Thessalonians to encourage them in their suffering and to draw their attention to the comfort that can be found in the second coming of Christ. With 2 Thessalonians Paul continues to remind them that Christ's return will vindicate their place as rightful children of the living God. He corrects the false teachings of some who said that the seven year Tribulation had already begun and the Lord's return was so imminent that people should quit their jobs. In this commentary, Mike Stallard's sound biblical teaching and compassionate heart combine to encourage readers to walk in righteousness and find hope in the second coming of Christ.


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