The Baker Illustrated Bible Commentary
The Baker Illustrated Bible Commentary

The Baker Illustrated Bible Commentary

by eds. Burge, Gary M.; Hill, Andrew E.

2 Rank Score: 2.04 from 1 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 1 user libraries
Pages 1648
Publisher Baker Books
Published 2/1/2012
ISBN-13 9780801013089
Comprehensive, accessible, and fully illustrated--this one-volume commentary on the Bible is a must-have resource.

You want a deeper understanding of the Scriptures, but the notes in your study Bible don't give you enough depth or insight. This commentary was created with you in mind.

The Baker Illustrated Bible Commentary is a non-technical, section-by-section commentary on the whole Bible that provides reliable and readable interpretations of the Scriptures from forty-three leading evangelical scholars. A complete revision of the well-known Baker Commentary on the Bible, this updated resource features new articles and vibrant full-color images on more than 1,600 pages, complete with photos, maps, and timelines to illustrate the text.

This information-packed commentary will help you gain a deeper understanding of the Bible in your own personal study or in preparation for teaching. It tackles problematic questions, calls attention to the spiritual and personal aspects of the biblical message, and brings out important points of biblical theology, making it invaluable to anyone seeking to get the most out of their Bible study.


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bigcat bigcat February 23, 2022
The Old Testament was often little more than repeating what the Scripture was saying in more modern English. If you want this just read the ESV. Also, the study notes in any modern study Bible are better than most of these short OT commentaries. The New Testament was generally an improvement especially in the Gospels with Mark and John both being very fine. Sadly there were issues with several of the Letters. Romans I'm guessing was written by grad students off the teacher's notes as in one section the commentary was literally 10 points in a row numbered 1) just, 2) like, 3 this. An outline isn't a commentary. It was also works-based at points and grace-based at points contradicting itself and redefining words as well. The Letters of John writer invented a second revision of the Gospel of John with the Apostle writing one version in 85 AD and the author of Letters issuing a revision to which he added the first 18 verses and other whole chapters. Sadly he didn't tell the commentary writer for the Gospel who knew of no such revision. Most odd of all was the decision on the part of Baker House to ask a pastor who believes in covenant salvation passed from parents to children possibly without the need for personal salvation if I understand the position. He also practices child baptism. More importantly for the Hebrews commentary, he is a Judiser such as Paul fought with. He says Jesus didn't make a New Covenant but only a better covenant which was a continuation of the Jewish covenant. He goes on to say that the 'Old Covenant' was when the Israelites sinned in the wilderness and it is this that the author of Hebrews and Paul are both fighting against. This is because he believes we are still under the law and he can't have Paul saying such terrible things about the law. You know Paul saying if you are going to be circumcised just cut it all off and don't follow any other Gospel that I preached in response to Judisers in his day. I could go on but the whole commentary is a heresy from start to finish. Shame on Baker house for inserting this in an intro commentary!