Hosea: An Exegetical Commentary
Hosea: An Exegetical Commentary

Hosea: An Exegetical Commentary

in An Exegetical Commentary

by Richard D. Patterson

Pages 168
Publisher Biblical Studies Press
Published 1/17/2013
ISBN-13 9780737501520
This volume constitutes an additional commentary to the existing Biblical Studies Press series on the Minor Prophets. In keeping with the other volumes in this series this commentary consists of two main sections. In the first, matters relative to the exegesis and exposition of the passage at hand are considered. These are based upon a consideration of grammatical, his-torical/cultural, literary, and theological data. The additional notes section presents details that are often more technical in nature and other helpful in-formation. The translation used prefacing the Exegesis and Exposition is the NET Bible (New English Translation). Paperback: 160 pages Publisher: Biblical Studies Press


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