Longing for God in an Age of Discouragement: The Gospel According to Zechariah
Longing for God in an Age of Discouragement: The Gospel According to Zechariah

Longing for God in an Age of Discouragement: The Gospel According to Zechariah

in Gospel according to the Old Testament

by Bryan Gregory

Rank Score: 4.02 from 0 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 1 user libraries
Pages 272
Publisher P&R Publishing
Published 11/1/2010
ISBN-13 9781596381421
Many in our churches find themselves in need of renewal, yet are discouraged by the church's lack of impact on the world and our culture. The book of Zechariah addresses God's people in just this situation: discouraged and in need of renewal. In doing so, it provides a captivating vision of God and his work in the world, leading readers into a deeper longing for God and the coming of his kingdom.


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