Reading Mark: A Literary and Theological Commentary on the Second Gospel
Reading Mark: A Literary and Theological Commentary on the Second Gospel

Reading Mark: A Literary and Theological Commentary on the Second Gospel

in Reading the New Testament (1st Series)

by Sharyn E. Dowd

1.75 Rank Score: 1.97 from 4 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 2 user libraries
Pages 192
Publisher Smyth & Helwys
Published 9/11/2000
ISBN-13 9781573122887
Dowd examines the Gospel of Mark from literary and theological perspectives, suggesting what the text may have meant to its first-century audience of Gentile and Jewish Christians. Mark is a Greco-Roman biography of Jesus written in an apocalyptic mode. Its theology is based on the message of the prophet Isaiah—the proclamation of release from bondage and a march toward freedom along the "way of the Lord."


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