God Wins: Heaven, Hell, and Why the Good News Is Better than Love Wins
God Wins: Heaven, Hell, and Why the Good News Is Better than Love Wins

God Wins: Heaven, Hell, and Why the Good News Is Better than Love Wins

by Mark Galli

Pages 224
Publisher Tyndale House
Published 8/1/2011
ISBN-13 9781414366661
Rob Bell’s book, Love Wins, has generated a national conversation about ultimate issues, such as the nature of hell, heaven, and the ultimate destiny of humankind. Yet, the book has also created unnecessary confusion. God Wins is a response to the provocative questions Love Wins has raised. In God Wins, Mark Galli explores the important questions that are left unasked and the issues left uncharted. Mark shows how Love Wins is not enough—and that there is even better news for our world. Includes a group-discussion guide with relevant Scripture passages.


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