Philippians, Colossians, & Philemon
Philippians, Colossians, & Philemon

Philippians, Colossians, & Philemon

in Life Application Bible Commentary

by Bruce B. Barton, Mark Fackler, Linda K. Taylor, and David R. Veerman

Rank Score: 4.06 from 0 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 3 user libraries
Pages 304
Publisher Tyndale House
Published 9/26/1995
ISBN-13 9780842329743
The Life Application Bible Commentary series is the only commentary to offer sermon and lesson applications alongside stirring commentary. Each volume in the series provides in-depth explanation, background, and application for every verse in the text. Perfect for sermon preparation and lesson planning, this one-of-a-kind reference provides excellent quotes and a bibliography for additional commentary.

Additional features include Charts, diagrams, and maps on the same page as their related verses Quotes from various versions, such as the NIV, NRSV, and NLT Key information graphically highlighted


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