Ziegler, Philip G. |
Militant Grace: The Apocalyptic Turn and the Future of Christian Theology |
256 |
2018 |
Brueggemann, Walter; Weisel, Elie; Beal, Timothy K.; Boesel, Chris; Levy, B. Barry; Rendtorff, Rolf; Krondorfer, Björn; Ajzenstat, O. E.; Nevo, Matthew del; Jacobs, Steven L.; Boer, Roland; Koosed, Jennifer L.; Kellenbach, Katharina von; Tull, Patricia K.; Sweeney, Marvin A.; Landy, Francis; Rubenstein, Richard L.; Kepnes, Stephen; Linafelt, Tod; George, Mark K. |
Strange Fire: Reading the Bible after the Holocaust |
304 |
2000 |
Marshall, I. Howard; Vanhoozer, Kevin J.; Porter, Stanley E. |
Beyond the Bible: Moving from Scripture to Theology |
136 |
2004 |
Olson, Roger E. |
The Story of Christian Theology: Twenty Centuries of Tradition & Reform |
652 |
1999 |
McKnight, Scot |
The King Jesus Gospel: The Original Good News Revisited |
192 |
2011 |
Olson, Roger E. |
The Mosaic of Christian Belief: Twenty Centuries of Unity & Diversity |
367 |
2002 |
Keener, Craig S. |
Miracles: The Credibility of the New Testament Accounts |
1248 |
2011 |
Gundry, Stanley N.; Bahnsen, Greg L.; Kaiser, Jr., Walter C.; Moo, Douglas J.; Strickland, Wayne G.; VanGemeren, Willem A. |
Five Views on Law and Gospel |
416 |
1996 |
Green, Roger J.; Yamauchi, Edwin M.; Oswalt, John N.; Hildebrandt, Ted; Hunt, Steven A.; Phillips, Elaine A.; Fee, Gordon D.; Barcley, William B.; Ciampa, Roy E.; Mathewson, David L.; Zucker, David J.; Klatzker, David; Winner, Lauren F.; Sargent, Mark L.; Rudin, A. James; Magnuson, JoAnn G.; Brinton, Rebecca Gates |
Perspectives on Our Father Abraham: Essays in Honor of Marvin R. Wilson |
397 |
2012 |
Johnson, Keith L. |
Theology as Discipleship |
224 |
2015 |
Emerson, Matthew Y. |
He Descended to the Dead: An Evangelical Theology of Holy Saturday |
272 |
2019 |
Gilbert, Derek P.; Peck, Josh |
The Day the Earth Stands Still: unmasking the old Gods behind ETs, UFOs, & the official disclosure movement |
273 |
2017 |
Gilbert, Derek P. |
Last Clash of the Titans: the second coming of Hercules, Leviathan, & the prophesied war between Jesus Christ & the gods of antiquity |
300 |
2018 |
Gilbert, Derek P. |
Bad Moon Rising: Islam, Armageddon, and the most diabolical double-cross in history |
341 |
2019 |
Gilbert, Sharon K.; Gilbert, Derek P. |
Veneration: Unveiling the Ancient Realms of Demonic Kings and Satan's Battle Plan for Armageddon |
2019 |
Bock, Darrell L.; O'Rourke, John J.; Trumbower, Jeffrey A.; Dunn, James D. G.; Harvey, A. E.; DeYoung, James B.; Danker, Frederick W.; Sanders, James A.; Pesch, Rudolf; Carson, D. A.; Marcus, Joel; Stegner, William Richard; Krause, Deborah; Buchanan, George Wesley; Allison, Jr., Dale C.; Kurz, William S.; Finkel, Asher; Evans, Craig A.; Hanson, Anthony T.; Hengel, Martin; Porter, Stanley E.; Painter, John; Michaels, J. Ramsey |
The Gospels and the Scriptures of Israel |
512 |
1999 |
Marshall, I. Howard |
Christian Experience in Theology and Life: papers read at the 1984 Conference of the Fellowship of European Evangelical Theologians |
198 |
1988 |
Marshall, I. Howard; Bartholomew, Craig G.; McGrath, Alister E.; Vanhoozer, Kevin J.; Goldsworthy, Greame; Wright, Christopher J. H.; Perry, Robin; Peterson, Eugene H.; Laughery, Gregory J.; Scotland, Nigel; Ruthven, Jonathan; Lazarus, Stephen |
The Futures of Evangelicalism |
352 |
2003 |
Marshall, I. Howard |
Kept by the Power of God: A Study of Perseverance and Falling Away |
281 |
2008 |
Marshall, I. Howard; Lewis, Donald M.; McGrath, Alister E.; Stott, John R. W.; Kantzer, Kenneth S.; Beckwith, Roger T.; Wright, David F.; Brown, Colin; Waltke, Bruce K.; Dumbrell, William J.; Barnett, Paul W.; Nicole, Roger; Noll, Mark A.; Jensen, Peter F.; Houston, James M.; Wilkinson, Loren E. |
Doing Theology for the People of God: Studies in Honor of J.I. Packer |
280 |
1996 |
Johnson, Marshall D. |
The Purpose of the Biblical Genealogies: With Special Reference to the Setting of the Genealogies of Jesus |
352 |
1989 |
Olson, Roger E. |
Arminian Theology: Myths and Realities |
250 |
2006 |
Olson, Roger E. |
The Journey of Modern Theology: From Reconstruction to Deconstruction |
720 |
2013 |
Kaiser, Jr., Walter C.; Doriani, Daniel M.; Vanhoozer, Kevin J.; Webb, William J.; Strauss, Mark L.; Wolters, Al; Wright, Christopher J. H. |
Four Views on Moving Beyond the Bible to Theology |
384 |
2009 |
Gundry, Stanley N.; Stamoolis, James J.; Packer, J. I.; Nassif, Brad; Horton, Michael S.; Berzonsky, Vladimir; Hancock-Stefan, George; Rommen, Edward |
Three Views on Eastern Orthodoxy and Evangelicalism |
302 |
2004 |
Jowers, Dennis; Gundry, Stanley N.; Craig, William Lane; Highfield, Ron; Boyd, Gregory A.; Helseth, Paul Kjoss |
Four Views on Divine Providence |
272 |
2011 |
Gundry, Stanley N.; Dieter, Melvin E.; Hoekema, Anthony A.; Horton, Stanley M.; McQuilkin, J. Robertson; Walvoord, John F. |
Five Views on Sanctification |
256 |
1996 |
Yong, Amos |
The Future of Evangelical Theology: Soundings from the Asian American Diaspora |
285 |
2014 |
Vidu, Adonis |
Atonement, Law, and Justice: The Cross in Historical and Cultural Contexts |
304 |
2014 |
Scott, Waldron |
Bring Forth Justice |
318 |
1997 |
Ellul, Jacques |
The Meaning of the City |
209 |
1997 |
Olson, Roger E. |
Reformed and Always Reforming: The Postconservative Approach to Evangelical Theology |
256 |
2007 |
Moes, Paul; Tellinghuisen, Donald J. |
Exploring Psychology and Christian Faith: An Introductory Guide |
304 |
2014 |
Betsworth, Sharon |
Children in Early Christian Narratives |
224 |
2015 |
Koosed, Jennifer L.; Seesengood, Robert |
Jesse's Lineage: The Legendary Lives of David, Jesus, and Jesse James |
176 |
2014 |
Dobronruka, Vincente; Draper, Jonathan A.; Fletcher-Louis, Crispin H. T.; Foster, Paul; Gieschen, Charles A.; Gregory, Andrew; Knight, Jonathan; Munoa, Phillip B.; Nicklas, Tobias; Orlov, Andrei A.; Rogerson, John William; Sullivan, Kevin P.; DeConick, April D. |
The Open Mind: Essays in Honour of Christopher Rowland |
224 |
2014 |
Allen, Michael; Peterson, Ryan; Kapic, Kelly M.; Treier, Daniel J.; Vanhoozer, Kevin J.; Swain, Scott R.; Blocher, Henri; Horton, Michael S.; McGowan, Andrew B.; Moberly, R. W. L.; Carson, D. A. |
Theological Commentary: Evangelical Perspectives |
232 |
2011 |
Marshall, I. Howard |
The Development of Doctrine |
136 |
2004 |
Marshall, I. Howard |
The Search for Biblical Principles |
136 |
2004 |
Vanhoozer, Kevin J. |
Into the Great "Beyond" : a theologian's response to the Marshall Plan |
136 |
2004 |
Porter, Stanley E. |
Hermeneutics, Biblical Interpretation, and Theology : Hunch, Holy Spirit, or Hard Work? |
136 |
2004 |
Bubbers, Susan I. |
A Scriptural Theology of Eucharistic Blessings |
288 |
2015 |
MacCarty, Skip; Pipa, Jospeh A.; Blomberg, Craig L.; Arand, Charles P. |
Perspectives on the Sabbath: Three Views |
400 |
2011 |
Duncan, Ligon; Kimball, Dan; Lawrence, Matthew; Dever, Mark; Quill, Timothy; Wilt, Dan |
Perspectives on Christian Worship: Five Views |
368 |
2009 |
Dalton, Russell W. |
Children’s Bibles in America: A Reception History of the Story of Noah’s Ark in U.S. Children’s Bibles |
256 |
2015 |
Charlesworth, James H.; Roberts, J. J. M.; Heintz, J. G.; Hanson, Paul D.; Talmon, Shemaryahu; Schiffman, Lawrence H.; Borsch, F. H.; Black, Matthew; VanderKam, James C.; Mack, B. L.; Priest, J.; Bokser, B. M.; Mendels, Doron; Horsley, Richard A.; Segal, Alan F.; Borgen, Peder; Dunn, James D. G.; Dahl, Nils Alstrup; Aune, David E.; Hengel, Martin; Juel, Donald H.; Hamerton-Kelly, R. G.; Davies, W. D.; Anderson, Hugh; Collins, Adela Yarbro |
The Messiah: Developments in Earliest Judaism and Christianity |
628 |
2009 |
Sunquist, Scott W. |
The Unexpected Christian Century: The Reversal and Transformation of Global Christianity, 1900-2000 |
240 |
2015 |
Jacobs, Sandra; Mathias, Steffan; Strine, Casey; Taylor, Joan E.; Harrocks, Rebecca; Turner, Katie; Hayter, Daniel; Fletcher, Michelle; Grojnowski, Davina; Uncut, Thecla; Clenman, Laliv |
The Body in Biblical, Christian and Jewish Texts |
304 |
2015 |
Alexander, Philip S.; Briggs, Richard S.; Corley, Jeremy; Samely, Alex |
The Temple in Text and Tradition: A Festschrift in Honour of Robert Hayward |
343 |
2014 |
Scharen, Christian |
Fieldwork in Theology: Exploring the Social Context of God's Work in the World |
144 |
2015 |
Patro, Santanu K.; Bediako, Gillian Mary; Bhattacharyya, Prabhakar; Hettiarachchi, Shanthikumar; Jain, Priyadarshana; Kessler, Ed; Bowen, Roger; Jawad, Haifaa; Bala, Shashi |
A Guide to Religious Thought and Practices |
192 |
2015 |
eds. Rajkumar, Peniel |
Asian Theology on the Way: Christianity, Culture, and Context |
192 |
2015 |
eds. Parratt, John |
A Guide to Doing Theology |
144 |
2015 |
Punch, J. D.; Wasserman, Tommy; Knust, Jennifer; Keith, Chris; Robinson, Maurice A.; Hurtado, Larry W. |
The Pericope of the Adulteress in Contemporary Research |
224 |
2016 |
Moberly, R. W. L. |
Prophecy and Discernment (Cambridge Studies in Christian Doctrine) |
300 |
2008 |
eds. Stinton, Diane B. |
African Theology on the Way: Current Conversations |
208 |
2015 |
Hebron, Carol A. |
Judas Iscariot: Damned or Redeemed A Critical Examination of the Portrayal of Judas in Jesus Films (1902-2014) |
288 |
2016 |
Tabb, Brian J. |
Suffering in Ancient Worldview: Luke, Seneca and 4 Maccabees in Dialogue |
224 |
2017 |
eds. Strawn, Brent A. |
The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Law |
1176 |
2015 |
MacDonald, Nathan; Plietzsch, Susanne; Ehrensperger, Kathy; Rehmann, Luzia Sutter; Altmann, Peter; Kobel, Esther; Taussig, Hal; Rapp, Ursula; Standhartinger, Angela; Suadi, Soham Al |
Decisive Meals: Table Politics in Biblical Literature |
200 |
2012 |
eds. Mauldin, Joshua; Lovin, Robin W. |
Theology as Interdisciplinary Inquiry: Learning with and from the Natural and Human Sciences |
202 |
2017 |
eds. Tapie, Matthew A.; McClain, Daniel Wade |
Reading Scripture as a Political Act: Essays on the Theopolitical Interpretation of the Bible |
334 |
2015 |
González, Justo L. |
A Brief History of Sunday: From the New Testament to the New Creation |
176 |
2017 |
Fretheim, Terence E. |
Creation Untamed: The Bible, God, and Natural Disasters |
176 |
2010 |
eds. Copan, Paul; Longman III, Tremper; Reese, Christopher L.; Strauss, Michael |
Dictionary of Christianity and Science The Definitive Reference for the Intersection of Christian Faith and Contemporary Science |
704 |
2017 |
Whitlock Jr., Luder G. |
Divided We Fall: Overcoming a History of Christian Disunity |
248 |
2017 |
Smith, James K. A. |
Awaiting the King: Reforming Public Theology (Cultural Liturgies) |
256 |
2017 |
eds. Ambler, Gillies; Anstey, Matthew P.; McCall, Theo D.; White, Mathew A. |
Flourishing in Faith: Theology Encountering Positive Psychology |
240 |
2017 |
Stewart, Kenneth J. |
In Search of Ancient Roots: The Christian Past and the Evangelical Identity Crisis |
304 |
2017 |
Wright, N. T. |
Exile: A Conversation with N. T. Wright |
336 |
2017 |
Garner, David B. |
Sons in the Son: The Riches and Reach of Adoption in Christ |
400 |
2016 |
Barrett, Jordan P. |
Divine Simplicity: A Biblical and Trinitarian Account |
240 |
2017 |
Tan, Seng-Kong |
Fullness Received and Returned: Trinity and Participation in Jonathan Edwards |
528 |
2014 |
McNall, Joshua |
A Free Corrector: Colin Gunton and the Legacy of Augustine |
224 |
2015 |
Beaton, Rhodora E. |
Embodied Words, Spoken Signs: Sacramentality and the Word in Rahner and Chauvet |
208 |
2014 |
Blomberg, Craig L. |
Christians in an Age of Wealth: A Biblical Theology of Stewardship |
272 |
2013 |
Poythress, Vern S. |
Knowing and the Trinity How: Perspectives in Human Knowledge Imitate the Trinity |
488 |
2018 |
Smith, James K. A. ; Gulker, Michael L. |
All Things Hold Together in Christ: A Conversation on Faith, Science, and Virtue |
400 |
2018 |
Low, Katherine |
The Bible, Gender, and Reception History: The Case of Job's Wife |
240 |
2013 |
Irish, Tomás; Demy, Timothy; Bormann, Lukas; Chapman, Mark; Collins, Matthew A.; Kurtz, Paul Michael; MacDonald, Nathan; Mein, Andrew; Heschel, Susannah; van Henten, Jan Willem; Crossley, James G.; Pyper, Hugh; Marchand, Suzanne L. |
The First World War and the Mobilization of Biblical Scholarship |
272 |
2018 |
Hardy, Nicholas |
Criticism and Confession: The Bible in the Seventeenth-Century Republic of Letters (Oxford-Warburg Studies) |
480 |
2017 |
Phillips, Elaine A.; Newman, Judith H.; Borgman, Paul; Buchanan, George Wesley; Freund, Richard A.; Enns, Peter; Soll, Will; Buth, Randall; Delamarter, Steve; Menn, Esther M.; Cook, Joan E.; Lyke, Larry L.; Clements, Ruth Anne; Taylor, Stephen S. |
The Function of Scripture in Early Jewish and Christian Tradition |
352 |
1998 |
Porter, Stanley E.; Hess, Richard S.; Whang, Y. C.; Pearson, Brook W. R. ; Allert, Craig D.; Rogerson, John William; O'Donnell, Matthew Brook; Martín-Asensio, Gustavo; Hatina, Thomas R.; Clarke, Kent D. |
Translating the Bible: Problems and Prospects |
338 |
2004 |
Jack, Alison |
Texts Reading Texts, Sacred and Secular: Two Postmodern Perspectives |
235 |
1999 |
Whitenton, Michael R. |
Configuring Nicodemus: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Complex Characterization |
192 |
2019 |
Porter, Stanley E.; Hayes, Michael A.; Tombs, David; Jarick, John; Pearson, Brook W. R. ; Evans, Craig A.; Barker, Margaret; Westfall, Cynthia Long; O'Donnell, Matthew Brook; Gibson, Arthur; O'Collins, Gerald; Cortese, Delia; Klassen, Norman; Porter, Wendy J.; Taylor, Neil; Pinsent, Pat; Holderness, Graham; Anonby, John; McCarron, Kevin |
Resurrection |
376 |
1999 |
Chapman, Mark |
The Coming Crisis: The Impact of Eschatology on Theology in Edwardian England |
194 |
2001 |
Padgett, Timothy |
Swords and Plowshares: American Evangelicals on War, 1937–1973 |
320 |
2018 |
Riddlebarger, Kim |
The Lion of Princeton: B.B. Warfield as Apologist and Theologian |
336 |
2014 |
Cassidy, James J. |
God’s Time For Us: Barth on the Reconciliation of Eternity and Time in Jesus Christ |
186 |
2016 |
Schreiner, Thomas R. |
The Race set before us A Biblical Theology Of Perseverance And Assurance By |
350 |
2001 |
Williams, Rowan; Horne, Simon; Trevett, Christine; Treacy-Cole, Diane; Wall, Lynne; Moyise, Steve P.; Lieu, Judith M.; Joyce, Paul M.; Stewart-Sykes, Alistair; Harvey, Susan Ashbrook; Rowland, Christopher; Tilby, Angela; Ford, David F.; Vanier, Jean; Hunt, Emily; Robinson, Neal |
Wilderness: Essays in Honour of Frances Young |
224 |
2005 |
eds. Eslinger, Lyle M. |
Ascribe to the Lord: Biblical and Other Essays in Memory of Peter C. Craigie |
654 |
1988 |
Waters, Guy Prentiss |
The Lord's Supper as the Sign and Meal of the New Covenant |
128 |
2019 |
Hawk, L. Daniel |
The Violence of the Biblical God: Canonical Narrative and Christian Faith |
248 |
2019 |
Schwartz, Wm. Andrew; Cobb Jr., John B.; Beckwith, Francis J.; McDermott, Gerald R.; Walls, Jerry L.; Cumming, Joseph; Shenk, David W. |
Do Christians, Muslims, and Jews Worship the Same God?: Four Views |
240 |
2019 |
Stetina, Karin Spiecker |
How to Read Theology for All Its Worth |
224 |
2020 |
eds. Boustan, Ra'anan S.; Reed, Annette Yoshiko |
Heavenly Realms and Earthly Realities in Late Antique Religions |
352 |
2009 |
Heiser, Michael S. |
Who Is Like You, among the Gods?: A Prayer Digest Based on the Original Biblical Languages |
68 |
2021 |