Whole Bible Commentaries

A list of the best Whole Bible Commentaries ranked by scholars, journal reviws, and site users. You can find the best commentary on Whole Bible Commentaries for you using the tools on the right side.



All Whole Bible Commentaries

Score Cover Author Title Pages Series Year Tags Links
Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible: Complete and Unabridged Henry, Matthew 2485 2005
New Bible Commentary: 21st Century Edition Carson, D. A.; France, R. T.; Motyer, J. Alec; Wenham, Gordon J. 1455 1994
Global Bible Commentary Patte, Daniel M.; Croatto, J. Severino; Duran, Nicole Wilkinson; Okure, Teresa; Lee, Archie Chi-chung 570 2004
Bible Knowledge Commentary Old Testament and New Testament Walvoord, John F.; Zuck, Roy 2552 1985
Nelson's New Illustrated Bible Commentary eds. Radmacher, Earl D.; Allen, Ronald B.; House, H. Wayne 1920 1999
Women's Bible Commentary (Expanded ed.) eds. Newsom, Carol A.; Ringe, Sharon H. 528 1998
The Tony Evans Bible Commentary Evans, Tony 1440 2019
Africa Bible Commentary: A One-Volume Commentary Written by 70 African Scholars eds. Adeyemo, Tokunboh 1616 2006
South Asia Bible Commentary: A One-Volume Commentary on the Whole Bible eds. Wintle, Brian; Dharamraj, Havilah; Jeyaraj, Jesudason Baskar; Swarup, Paul; Cherian, Jacob; Philip, Finny 1824 2015
Jewish New Testament Commentary: A Companion Volume to the Jewish New Testament Stern, David H. 960 1992
Baker Commentary on the Bible Elwell, Walter A. 1229 2001
Women's Evangelical Commentary: New Testament eds. Patterson, Dorothy Kelley; Kelley, Rhonda Harrington 1032 2011
The MacArthur Bible Commentary MacArthur, John 2040 2005
Peake's Commentary on the Bible Black, Matthew; Rowley, H. H. 1144 1962
Women's Bible Commentary (3rd ed.) eds. Newsom, Carol A.; Ringe, Sharon H.; Lapsley, Jacqueline E. 704 2012
The IVP Women's Bible Commentary eds. Kroeger, Catherine Clark; Evans, Mary J. 874 2002
Central and Eastern European Bible Commentary eds. Constantineanu, Corneliu 1696 2023
The New Jerome Biblical Commentary Fitzmyer, Joseph A.; Brown, Raymond E.; Murphy, Roland E. 1484 1990
New International Bible Commentary Bruce, F. F. 16 1999
The Moody Bible Commentary eds. Rydelnik, Michael; Vanlaningham, Michael 2176 2014
Zondervan NIV Bible Commentary Barker, Kenneth L.; Kohlenberger, John R. 1568 1999
Bible Teacher's Commentary Richard, Larry 1110 2002
Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible eds. Dunn, James D. G.; Rogerson, John William 1649 2003
Zondervan NIV Bible Commentary, Volume 2: New Testament Barker, Kenneth L.; Kohlenberger, John R. 1264 1999
The Classic Bible Commentary: An Essential Collection of History's Finest Commentaries in One Volume Collins, Owen 1594 1999
Wycliffe Bible Commentary Harrison, Everett F.; Pfeiffer, Charles 1534 1990
Believer's Bible Commentary MacDonald, William G. 2464 1995
Women's Evangelical Commentary: Old Testament eds. Patterson, Dorothy Kelley; Kelley, Rhonda Harrington 1600 2011
A Bible commentary for today eds. Howley, G. C. D.; Bruce, F. F.; Ellison, H. L. 1712 1979
The Collegeville Bible Commentary, Based on the New American Bible: Old Testament / New Testament eds. Bergant, Dianne 1344 1992
The Africana Bible: Reading Israel's Scriptures from Africa and the African Diaspora eds. Page Jr., Hugh R. 512 2009
The Oxford Bible Commentary eds. Barton, John; Muddiman, John 1416 OxBC 2001
Theological Bible Commentary O'Day, Gail R.; Petersen, David L. 504 2009
The Baker Illustrated Bible Commentary eds. Burge, Gary M.; Hill, Andrew E. 1648 2012
Zondervan Handbook to the Bible Alexander, David; Alexander, Pat 816 2005
Zondervan NIV Bible Commentary, Volume I: Old Testament Barker, Kenneth L.; Kohlenberger, John R. 1568 1999
Holman Concise Bible Commentary Dockery, David S. 681 1998
The New Unger's Bible Handbook Unger, Merrill; Larson, Gary 752 2005
The Interpreter's One Volume Commentary on the Bible Buttrick, George A. 1386 1971
Zondervan Bible Commentary: One-Volume Illustrated Edition Bruce, F. F. 1696 2008
King James Version Bible Commentary Hindson, Edward E.; Kroll, Woodrow 1853 2005
The Oxford Bible Commentary Barton, John; Muddiman, John 1416 2001
Commentary on the New International Version eds. Elwell, Walter A. 1232 1991
Asbury Bible Commentary Carpenter, Eugene 1246 1992
Barnes' Notes on the New Testament Barnes, Albert 1766 1962
People's New Testament: With Explanatory Notes (Complete in One Volume) Johnson, B. W. 1054 1950
Daniel Whedon's Commentary on the Old and New Testament Whedon, Daniel 2012
Poor Mans Bible Commentary of the Old & New Testaments Hawker, Robert 1808
The Complete Bible Commentary Williams, George 1058 2008
 Nelson's Student Bible Commentary: Quick, Clear and Accessible Comments on the Whole Bible eds. Radmacher, Earl D.; Allen, Ronald B.; House, H. Wayne 538 2008
Nelson's Compact Bible Commentary eds. Radmacher, Earl D.; Allen, Ronald B.; House, H. Wayne 940 2004
The Holman Illustrated Bible Commentary Clendenen, E. Ray; Howard, Jeremy Royal 1600 2015
Wesley One-Volume Commentary eds. Collins, Kenneth J. 976 2020
The Hebrew Bible: A Translation with Commentary (3 volume set) Alter, Robert 3500 2018
The Queer Bible Commentary eds. West, Mona; Shore-Goss, Robert 878 2022
The NIV Application Commentary on the Bible: One-Volume Edition eds. Beetham, Christopher A.; Erickson, Nancy L. 1472 NIVAC 2024
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