Bock, Darrell L.; McKnight, Scot; Modica, Joseph B.; Bird, Michael F.; Sheets, Dwight D.; McGrath, James F.; Cohick, Lynn H. |
Who Do My Opponents Say That I Am?: An Investigation of the Accusations Against Jesus |
188 |
2008 |
Roskovec, Jan; Donfried, Karl P.; Hoppe, Rudolf; Tichý, Ladislav; Schröter, Jens; Porter, Stanley E.; Kreitzer, Larry J.; Myllykoski, Matti; Allison, Jr., Dale C.; Dormeyer, Detlev; Hengel, Martin; Klein, Hans; Schrage, Wolfgang; Bolyki, János; Hübner, Hans; Charlesworth, James H.; Pisarek, Stanislaw; Syreeni, Kari; Court, John M.; Ellingworth, Paul; Sázava, Zdenĕk |
Testimony And Interpretation: Early Christology In Its Judeo-hellenistic Milieu. Studies In Honor Of Petr Pokorný |
352 |
2005 |
Doriani, Daniel M.; Ryken, Philip Graham; Phillips, Richard D. |
The Incarnation in the Gospels |
240 |
2008 |
Marshall, I. Howard |
The Work of Christ: Who Christ Is, What He Did, What He Is Doing, And What He Will Yet Do |
128 |
2006 |
Treier, Daniel J. |
The Lord Jesus Christ |
352 |
2023 |
Rydelnik, Michael |
The Messianic Hope: Is theHebrew Bible Really Messianic? |
224 |
2010 |
Crowe, Brandon D. |
The Last Adam: A Theology of the Obedient Life of Jesus in the Gospels |
288 |
2017 |
Meier, John P. |
A Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historical Jesus: Volume II: Mentor, Message, and Miracles |
1134 |
1994 |
Marshall, I. Howard |
I Believe in the Historical Jesus |
288 |
2001 |
eds. Schreiner, Thomas R.; Crawford, Matthew R. |
The Lord's Supper: Remembering and Proclaiming Christ Until He Comes |
432 |
2011 |
Meier, John P. |
A Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historical Jesus: Volume I: The Roots of the Problem and the Person |
496 |
1991 |
Meier, John P. |
A Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historical Jesus: Volume III: Companions and Competitors |
720 |
2001 |
Meier, John P. |
A Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historical Jesus: Volume IV: Law and Love |
752 |
2009 |
Wright, N. T. |
Who Was Jesus? |
144 |
2014 |
Wright, N. T. |
The Challenge of Jesus: Rediscovering Who Jesus Was and Is |
217 |
2015 |
McConville, J. Gordon; Alexander, T. Desmond; Satterthwaite, Philip E.; Schibler, Daniel; Hugenberger, Gordon P.; Schultz, Richard; Block, Daniel I.; Jenson, Philip Peter; Johnston, Philip S.; Heim, Knut Martin; Kelly, Brian E.; Duguid, Iain M. |
The Lord's Anointed: Interpretation of Old Testament Messianic Texts |
330 |
2012 |
Oden, Thomas C. |
Systematic Theology Volume 2: The Word of Life |
583 |
2006 |
Dunn, James D. G. |
Christology in the Making: A New Testament Inquiry Into the Origins of the Doctrine of the Incarnation |
492 |
2003 |
Marshall, I. Howard; Heron, Alasdair; Anderson, Ray S.; De Gruchy, John W.; Houston, James M.; Lewis, Alan E.; Newell, Roger; Walls, Roland; Begbie, Jeremy S.; Bromiley, Geoffrey W.; Hart, Trevor A.; Thimell, Daniel P.; Thompson, John A.; Yule, George; Childs, Brevard S.; Dearborn, Timothy A.; Jüngel, Eberhard; May, Stephen; Torrance, Alan J.; Torrance, Thomas F.; France, R. T.; Martin, Ralph P.; Bruce, F. F.; Rowe, Robert D.; Carson, D. A.; Wenham, Gordon J.; Wenham, David; Grogan, Geoffrey W.; Turner, Marie; Balchin, John F.; Allen, Leslie C.; Carnegie, David R.; Lane, A. N. S.; Cotterell, F. P.; Runia, Klaas; Sturch, Richard L. |
Christ in Our Place: The Humanity of God in Christ for the Reconciliation of the World : Essays Presented to Professor James Torrance (Princeton Theological Monograph Series) |
398 |
1991 |
Marshall, I. Howard |
Christ the Lord: Studies in Christology presented to Donald Guthrie |
344 |
1982 |
Marshall, I. Howard; Porter, Stanley E.; Longman III, Tremper; Boda, Mark J.; Wolters, Al; Stuckenbruck, Loren T.; Thatcher, Tom; Cummins, Stephen Anthony; Westfall, Cynthia Long; Evans, Craig A. |
The Messiah in the Old and New Testaments |
268 |
2007 |
Marshall, I. Howard |
Jesus, the Saviour: Studies in New Testament Theology |
300 |
1990 |
Marshall, I. Howard |
The Origins of New Testament Christology |
144 |
1990 |
Burke, Trevor J. |
The Message of Sonship |
244 |
2011 |
Letham, Robert |
The Message of the Person of Christ |
256 |
2013 |
Allen, Jr., O. Wesley |
Preaching Resurrection |
160 |
2000 |
Phillips, Richard D.; Doriani, Daniel M.; Ryken, Philip Graham |
Incarnation in the Gospels |
240 |
2008 |
Aune, David E.; Bauckham, Richard J.; Donaldson, Terence L.; Hagner, Donald A.; Hooker, Morna D.; Horbury, William; Marshall, I. Howard; Martin, Ralph P.; Michaels, J. Ramsey; Moo, Douglas J.; Towner, Philip H.; Witherington III, Ben |
Contours of Christology in the New Testament |
359 |
2005 |
Garrett, Susan R. |
No Ordinary Angel: Celestial Spirits and Christian Claims about Jesus |
352 |
2008 |
Crisp, Oliver D.; Sanders, Fred; Hunsinger, George; Leithart, Peter J.; Sonderegger, Katherine; Torrance, Alan J. |
Christology, Ancient and Modern: Explorations in Constructive Dogmatics |
224 |
2013 |
Dunn, James D. G. |
The Christ and the Spirit: Volume 1: Christology |
480 |
1998 |
eds. Bruteau, Beatrice |
Jesus through Jewish Eyes |
191 |
2001 |
Carrell, Peter R. |
Jesus and the Angels: Angelology and the Christology of the Apocalypse of John |
296 |
2005 |
Buckwalter, H. Douglas |
The Character and Purpose of Luke's Christology |
368 |
2005 |
Hamerton-Kelly, R. G. |
Pre-Existence, Wisdom, and The Son of Man: A Study of the Idea of Pre-Existence in the New Testament |
324 |
2005 |
McGrath, James F. |
John's Apologetic Christology: Legitimation and Development in Johannine Christology |
284 |
2004 |
Tilling, Chris |
Paul's Divine Christology |
346 |
2015 |
Charlesworth, James H.; Roberts, J. J. M.; Heintz, J. G.; Hanson, Paul D.; Talmon, Shemaryahu; Schiffman, Lawrence H.; Borsch, F. H.; Black, Matthew; VanderKam, James C.; Mack, B. L.; Priest, J.; Bokser, B. M.; Mendels, Doron; Horsley, Richard A.; Segal, Alan F.; Borgen, Peder; Dunn, James D. G.; Dahl, Nils Alstrup; Aune, David E.; Hengel, Martin; Juel, Donald H.; Hamerton-Kelly, R. G.; Davies, W. D.; Anderson, Hugh; Collins, Adela Yarbro |
The Messiah: Developments in Earliest Judaism and Christianity |
628 |
2009 |
de Jonge, Marinus |
God's Final Envoy: Early Christology and Jesus' Own View of His Mission |
180 |
1998 |
Dalferth, Ingolf U. |
Crucified and Resurrected: Restructuring the Grammar of Christology |
352 |
2015 |
Bock, Darrell L.; Simpson, Benjamin I. |
Jesus the God-Man: The Unity and Diversity of the Gospel Portrayals |
208 |
2016 |
Cameron, Daniel Jordan |
Flesh and Blood: A Dogmatic Sketch Concerning the Fallen Nature View of Christ's Human Nature |
116 |
2016 |
Knight, Jonathan |
Disciples of the Beloved One: The Christology, Setting and Theological Context of the Ascension of Isaiah |
364 |
1997 |
Ter Ern Loke, Andrew |
The Origin of Divine Christology |
2017 |
Grindheim, Sigurd |
God's Equal: What Can We Know About Jesus' Self-Understanding? |
288 |
2011 |
Bird, Michael F. |
Jesus the Eternal Son: Answering Adoptionist Christology |
171 |
2017 |
Hurtado, Larry W. |
Ancient Jewish Monotheism and Early Christian Jesus-Devotion: The Context and Character of Christological Faith |
750 |
2017 |
Capes, David B. |
The Divine Christ: Paul, the Lord Jesus, and the Scriptures of Israel |
224 |
2018 |
Goldsworthy, Greame |
The Son of God and the New Creation |
144 |
2016 |
De Jonge, H. J.; Meeks, Wayne A.; Lürhmann, Dieter; Collins, John J.; Brooke, George J.; Willem van Henten, Jan; Martyn, J. Louis; Dunn, James D. G.; Ellis, E. Earle; Beker, Johan Christiaan; Staunton, Graham H.; Tuckett, Christopher M.; Hooker, Morna D.; Catchpole, David R.; Smith, Dwight Moody; Borgen, Peder; Menken, Maarten J. J.; Keck, Leander E. |
From Jesus to John: Essays on Jesus and New Testament Christology in Honour of Marinus de Jonge |
358 |
1993 |
Fletcher-Louis, Crispin H. T. |
Jesus Monotheism: Volume 1: Christological Origins: The Emerging Consensus and Beyond |
388 |
2015 |
Crisp, Oliver D. |
Divinity and Humanity: The Incarnation Reconsidered |
2007 |
Cortez, Marc |
Christological Anthropology in Historical Perspective: Ancient and Contemporary Approaches to Theological Anthropology |
272 |
2016 |
Kilner, John F. |
Dignity and Destiny: Humanity in the Image of God |
414 |
2015 |
Wellum, Stephen J. |
God the Son Incarnate: The Doctrine of Christ (Foundations of Evangelical Theology) |
496 |
2016 |
Lord and Servant: A Covenant Christology |
296 |
2005 |
Horton, Michael S. |
Lord and Servant: A Covenant Christology |
296 |
2005 |
Casey, Maurice |
The Solution to the 'Son of Man' Problem |
384 |
2007 |
Lincoln, Andrew T.; Paddison, Angus; Moberly, R. W. L.; Fowl, Stephen E.; Morgan, Robert C.; Ludlow, Morwenna; Parvis, Sara; Webster, John; Holmes, Stephen R.; Nimmo, Paul T.; Scott, Peter Manley |
Christology and Scripture: Interdisciplinary Perspectives |
240 |
2007 |
Laansma, Jon C.; Young, Frances M.; Bingham, D. Jeffrey; Kannengiesser, Charles; Keating, Daniel A.; Mattox, Mickey L.; Allen, Michael; Kapic, Kelly M.; McCormack, Bruce L.; Treier, Daniel J.; Atwood, Christopher; Attridge, Harold W.; Hagner, Donald A.; Greene-McCreight, Kathryn |
Christology, Hermeneutics, and Hebrews: Profiles from the History of Interpretation |
288 |
2012 |
Kärkkäinen, Veli-Matti |
Christ and Reconciliation (A Constructive Christian Theology for the Pluralistic World: Volume 1) |
467 |
2013 |
Kärkkäinen, Veli-Matti |
Trinity and Revelation (A Constructive Christian Theology for the Pluralistic World: Volume 2) |
486 |
2014 |
Jipp, Joshua W. |
The Messianic Theology of the New Testament |
480 |
2020 |
Wellum, Stephen J. |
The Person of Christ: An Introduction |
208 |
2021 |