Koester, Craig R. |
Revelation and the End of All Things |
226 |
2018 |
Walvoord, John F. |
Daniel (The John Walvoord Prophecy Commentaries) |
256 |
2011 |
eds. Gundry, Stanley N.; Bock, Darrell L.; Gentry, Jr., Kenneth L.; Strimple, Robert B.; Blaising, Craig A. |
Three Views on the Millennium and Beyond |
336 |
1999 |
Ziegler, Philip G. |
Militant Grace: The Apocalyptic Turn and the Future of Christian Theology |
256 |
2018 |
eds. Gregg, Steve |
Revelation: Four Views, Revised & Updated |
608 |
2012 |
Walvoord, John F. |
Revelation (The John Walvoord Prophecy Commentaries) |
416 |
2011 |
Mentell, Ken |
The Elijah Calling: The Hidden and Revealed Messiah |
558 |
2014 |
Beale, G. K. |
The Use of Daniel in Jewish Apocalyptic Literature and in the Revelation of St. John |
364 |
2010 |
eds. Chung, Sung Wook; Blomberg, Craig L. |
A Case for Historic Premillennialism: An Alternative to "Left Behind" Eschatology |
208 |
2009 |
Peterson, Robert A. |
Hell on Trial: The Case for Eternal Punishment |
258 |
1995 |
Middleton, J. Richard |
A New Heaven and a New Earth: Reclaiming Biblical Eschatology |
304 |
2014 |
Merrill, Eugene H.; Kaiser, Jr., Walter C.; Chisholm, Jr., Robert B.; Brown, Michael L.; Wilkins, Michael J.; Bock, Darrell L.; Vanlaningham, Michael; Evans, Craig A.; Blaising, Craig A.; Saucy, Mark R.; Feinberg, John S.; Vlach, Michael J.; Leventhal, Barry R.; Rydelnik, Michael; Glaser, Mitch; Epstein, David; Hagg, Gregory |
The People, the Land, and the Future of Israel: Israel and the Jewish People in the Plan of God |
352 |
2014 |
Gladd, Benjamin L.; Harmon, Matthew S. |
Making All Things New: Inaugurated Eschatology for the Life of the Church |
224 |
2016 |
Long, Phillip J. |
Jesus the Bridegroom: The Origin of the Eschatological Feast as a Wedding Banquet in the Synoptic Gospels |
298 |
2013 |
Tabb, Brian J. |
All Things New: Revelation as Canonical Capstone |
280 |
2019 |
Gilbert, Sharon K.; Gilbert, Derek P. |
Giants, Gods, and Dragons: Exposing the Fallen Realm and the Plot to Ignite the Final War of the Ages |
267 |
2021 |
Schmitt, John W.; Laney, J. Carl |
Messiah's Coming Temple: Ezekiel's Prophetic Vision of the Future Temple |
248 |
2014 |
Marshall, I. Howard; Schweizer, Eduard; Clements, Ronald E.; Dunn, James D. G.; Bruce, F. F.; Barrett, Charles K.; Wagner, Günter; Martin, Ralph P. |
Eschatology and the New Testament: Essays in Honor of George Raymond Beasley-Murray |
154 |
1988 |
Marshall, I. Howard; Goulder, Michael D.; Gerhardsson, Birger; Hagner, Donald A.; Gundry-Volf, Judith M.; Lambrecht, Jan; Silva, Moisés; Dunn, James D. G.; Michaels, J. Ramsey; Fee, Gordon D.; Carson, D. A.; Schmidt, Thomas E. |
To Tell the Mystery: Essays on New Testament Eschatology in Honor of Robert H. Gundry |
266 |
1996 |
Walvoord, John F. |
1 & 2 Thessalonians (The John Walvoord Prophecy Commentaries) |
176 |
2012 |
Campbell, W. Gordon |
Reading Revelation: A Thematic Approach |
432 |
2012 |
Jones, Larry Paul; Sumney, Jerry L. |
Preaching Apocalyptic Texts |
144 |
1999 |
eds. Gregg, Steve |
Revelation: Four Views A Parallel Commentary |
544 |
1997 |
Gundry, Stanley N.; Archer, Jr., Gleason L.; Feinberg, Paul D.; Moo, Douglas J.; Reiter, Richard R. |
Three Views on the Rapture: Pre; Mid; or Post-Tribulation |
272 |
1996 |
Wilkin, Robert N.; Schreiner, Thomas R.; Dunn, James D. G.; Barber, Michael P.; Stanley, Alan P.; Gundry, Stanley N. |
Four Views on the Role of Works at the Final Judgment |
240 |
2013 |
Gundry, Stanley N.; Hultberg, Alan; Blaising, Craig A.; Moo, Douglas J. |
Three Views on the Rapture: Pretribulation, Prewrath, or Posttribulation |
304 |
2010 |
Thompson, Steven |
The Apocalypse and Semitic Syntax |
168 |
2005 |
Lincoln, Andrew T. |
Paradise Now and Not Yet: Studies in the Role of the Heavenly Dimension in Paul's Thought with Special Reference to his Eschatology |
292 |
2004 |
Dalrymple, Rob |
Understanding Eschatology: Why It Matters |
196 |
2013 |
Bavinck, Herman |
The Last Things: Hope for This World and the Next |
208 |
1996 |
Harding, Sarah |
Paul's Eschatological Anthropology: The Dynamics of Human Transformation |
468 |
2016 |
Kreitzer, Larry J. |
Jesus and God in Paul's Eschatology |
304 |
2015 |
Middleton, Paul |
The Violence of the Lamb: Martyrs as Agents of Divine Judgement in the Book of Revelation |
288 |
2018 |
Wasserman, Emma |
Apocalypse as Holy War: Divine Politics and Polemics in the Letters of Paul |
336 |
2018 |
Peterson, Robert A.; Barber, Dan C. |
Life Everlasting: The Unfolding Story of Heaven |
256 |
Longenecker, Bruce W. |
Eschatology and the Covenant: A Comparison of 4 Ezra and Romans 1-11 |
336 |
2015 |
McKnight, Scot |
The Heaven Promise: Engaging the Bible's Truth About Life to Come |
224 |
2015 |
Menn, Jonathan |
Biblical Eschatology |
622 |
2018 |
Mihalios, Stefanos |
The Danielic Eschatological Hour in the Johannine Literature |
224 |
2011 |
Kärkkäinen, Veli-Matti |
Hope and Community (A Constructive Christian Theology for the Pluralistic World: Volume 5) |
592 |
2017 |
Blackwell, Ben C.; Goodrich, John K.; Maston, Jason; Shaw, David A.; de Boer, Martinus C.; Campbell, Douglas A.; Humphrey, Edith M.; Wright, N. T.; Stuckenbruck, Loren T.; Dodson, Joseph R.; Ziegler, Philip G.; Linebaugh, Jonathan A.; Gaventa, Beverly Roberts; Barclay, John M. G.; Gorman, Michael J.; Davies, Jamie P. |
Paul and the Apocalyptic Imagination |
488 |
2016 |
Walvoord, John F.; Dyer, Charles H. |
Matthew (The John Walvoord Prophecy Commentaries) |
416 |
2013 |
Feinberg, John S.; Middleton, J. Richard; Allen, Michael; Kreeft, Peter |
Four Views on Heaven |
240 |
2022 |
Cole, Graham A. |
Glorification: An Introduction |
144 |
2022 |